DELIVERY:Online Gurnick AcademyofMedicalArtsstudentsintheclassroomattheSacramentocampus. MSNProgramDescription The Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) program prepares students at an advanced level, emphasizing nursing scholarship. Students will study healthcare policy, advanced research, healthcare informatics, leadership and management, financial resource management, curriculum development, teaching and learning process, assessmentandevaluationoflearning,andpracticumcapstonecourses. Emphasis will be placed on evidence-based practice, professional development, and scholarly practice, preparing nursing professionals with advanced theoretical skills and applied research methods. MSNProgramMissionStatement TheMasterofScienceinNursingprogram(MSN)isbasedonthemissionofGurnickAcademyofMedicalArtsto promote the intellectual, cultural, social, and ethical development of the learner addressing healthcare of diverse individuals, families, groups, communities, and populations through formal and informal teaching and learning processes. The MSN educationpreparesefficientnursesforflexible leadership and critical action within complex, changing systems, including health, educational, and organizational systems. The curriculum instills nurses with vital knowledge and skills to promote health, lead change, and elevate advanced care in various roles and diverse environments. The purpose of the Master of Science in Nursing is to achieve distinction in the graduate nursing program and to advance the mission of Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts by 1. Leading change to improve quality outcomes, building collaborative interprofessional care teams, andassumingrolesinadvancednursingpracticepertheregulatoryandaccreditingagencies. 2. Active preparation of the baccalaureate student to demonstrate critical thinking skills and innovative leadership in practice, education, and research. 3. Promoting public health by designing novel nursing practices and transforming evidence into practice in a diverse health setting. 4. Raise awareness, assistance, and teaching of health care programs in response to the growing public health needs and acuity. 5. Beachampionandadvocatefornursingresearchandscholarship. MSNProgramGoals At the graduate level, the goal is to develop knowledgeable and professional nurses who can unify practice with theory and advanced research to provide leadership, education, and service to healthcare stakeholders and the profession. Thefaculty at Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts is committed to the following: 1. Providing a learning environment celebrating cultural diversity and differences in learning styles and is free of judgment and discrimination. 2. Graduate well-prepared Master of Science in Nursing students who demonstrate confidence in clinical behaviors and knowledge in advanced healthcare practice, meeting the essential competenciesnecessarytojointheworkforce. 3. Ensure that graduates have the required knowledge and vital skills to respond to the community’s growinghealthcaredelivery and practice needs. 4. Produce well-rounded nurses who are culturally sensitive, situation-adaptive, and active advocates 225