Theprogramcomprisesseven(7)didactic/laboratorycoursesinfour-weekblocks.DA100-Infectioncontrolis taught before the students start any other courses. After completing the DA-100 course, students will take and completeallothercourses.DA200-202,andDA202-205aretaughtinsequencedependingonthequarterof thestart. Students must complete all didactic/laboratory courses before starting the DA 300 Externship course. Students must be available for didactic and laboratory coursework from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM Monday through Friday. Students may be required to accommodate alternative schedules based on facility placement business hoursduringtheexternship.Studentsmustbeabletocompletethoseparticularrotationsontheschedule provided. Students receive 200 hours of didactic lectures, 384 hours of laboratory instruction time, and 180 hours of clinical externship. This allows students to apply their lecture topics and hands-on lab skills in practical use whenplacedinadentalfacility.Studentswillbetakingtechnicalcourses,whichmaybegivenoncampus, online, or a combination of the formats. Theminimumrequiredoutsideworktimeforstudentsis182.5hours.Thecurriculumprovidesstudentswith thetechnical, clinical, and interpersonal skills necessary to succeed in the dental assisting field. A certificate is awardeduponprogramcompletion.Theexpectedprogramcompletiontimeis32weeks,excludingholidays andvacationtimes. Class times can and may be rescheduled on an alternate day of the week (Sunday through Saturday) to ensure on-timeprogramcompletionandfulfillmentofrequiredprogramhours. LabHours Lab hours are completed with daily theory delivery and are conducted under instructor guidance and supervision. OutsideWork Assignmentswill vary daily according to topics, be done on students’ own time, and be given due dates. Clinical Externship The clinical externship includes student placement in a facility that performs various skills and provides exposure to theory concepts and hands-on practice opportunities. The externship allows students to assist facility staff with daily duties under supervision in the front and back offices. This marks the transition from being a student to becoming a dental assistant. The externship is a practicum without pay to help students apply learned classroom skills. Students will have various tasks to perform and document for verification purposes. Daily attendance and performance at the site are verified by facility personnel. MASTEROFSCIENCEINNURSINGPROGRAM(BSNtoMSN) 90WEEKS 36SEMESTERCREDITHOURS;540CLOCKHOURS 6SEMESTERS STANDARDOCCUPATIONALCLASSIFICATION (SOCCode):29-1141.00.29-1151.00,29-1161.01,29-1171.00 POTENTIAL OCCUPATIONS: Please see a school official for the complete list of potential occupations. LOCATIONS:Concord 224

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