of the stakeholders and community it serves. 5. Ongoing visits to its curriculum and revising as needed, ensuring that its nursing graduates can adapt to rapid healthcare delivery and practice changes. 6. Develop a learning platform inspiring its nursing graduates to continuously pursue recognition and excellence in practice, research, and community outreach. 7. Encouragenurturingpartnershipswithitscommunityorganizationsforacademicprograms. 8. Motivate nursing graduates to seek higher education by developing a plan for faculty growth and professional development. MSNTerminalEducationalOutcomes Bytheendofthegraduatenursingprogram,thestudentwillbeableto: 1. Apply theoretical and clinical concepts of health promotion and disease prevention practices, provide a safe and nurturing environment, and lead innovations in nursing practices according to nursing regulations and accrediting agencies. 2. Critically appraise, analyze, and create a framework integrating didactic and clinical learning into everydaypractice and leadership activities. 3. Evaluate patient care practices that are evidence-based and community-driven. 4. Strongly commit to nursing research by actively participating in professional organizations and advancingeducation. 5. Demonstrate leadership by becoming a well-rounded, ethical, respectful, and well-informed nurse whofullyrespondstotheneedsandunderstandingofthecommunityitserves. MSNProgram–BSNtoMSNProgramOutline Table 71. BSN to MSN Program Course Outline Course SemesterCredit CourseTitle Clock Hours Number Hours MSN506 Theoretical Foundations of Advanced Nursing 45.0 3.0 Practice MSN508 Future of Nursing & Healthcare Policy 45.0 3.0 MSN510 AdvancedResearchMethodologiesand 45.0 3.0 Analysis-Evidence Based Practice MSN512 Financial Resource Management 45.0 3.0 MSN514 Leadership and ManagementinNursingand 45.0 3.0 Healthcare MSN516 AdvancedHealthcareTechnology&Informatics 45.0 3.0 MSN600 AdvancedHealthAssessment,Pathophysiology, 45.0 3.0 Pharmacology MSN602 Curriculum Development 45.0 3.0 MSN604 Teaching and Learning Process and Strategies 45.0 3.0 MSN605 Nursing Practicum A – Clinical Nurse Educator 45.0 3.0 MSN606 AssessmentandEvaluationofLearning 45.0 3.0 MSN607 Nursing Practicum B – Academic Nurse Educator 45.0 3.0 TOTAL 540.0 36.0 MSNProgramInformation,Length,andSchedule The Master of Science in Nursing program (BSN to MSN) admission track is a six (6) semester distance education program for RNs to complete their Master of Science Degree in Nursing in two (2) years. Each 226