provided on crime prevention awareness, sexual assault prevention, drug and alcohol abuse, theft, and vandalism, as well as educational sessions on personal safety. A common theme of all awareness and crime prevention policy programs is to encourage students and employees to be aware of their responsibility for their security and the security of others. Information is disseminated to students and staff through the Campus Security Policy and orientation. When time is of the essence, information is released to students and employees of Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts. TimelyWarnings If a situation on or off campus arises that constitutes an ongoing or continuing threat in the judgment of the Campus Director, a campus-wide “timely warning” will be issued. Timely warnings and emergency notifications are evaluated continuously every time a crime log is completed. If a crime log has not been filled out for more than12months,thenasimulationofdifferentscenariosisusedtoevaluatetheprocess. Procedure: When a determination has been made that a timely warning should be issued, Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts will inform the campus community by taking one or more of the following steps to ensure timely notification. Thewarningwillbeissuedtofaculty,staff, and management: ● ClassAnnouncements ● Campus-wideemailofthetimelynoticeissued ● Warningfliersdistributedaroundthecampus ● Websitewarningposted ● AlertthroughVerkadasecuritysystem ● Campus-wideintercom/loudspeaker Such warning(s) may include but are not limited to the type of crime, the date and time, the location, and any suspect information. Anyone with information that warrants a timely warning should report the circumstances to the Campus Director by phone or in person. The victim’s names will be withheld when following the procedure described above. AnnualDisclosureofCrimeStatistics Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts prepares this report to comply with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Crime Statistics Act. The full text of this report can be located at This report is prepared with the local law enforcement agencies surrounding our campus. Each entity provides updatedinformationonitseducationaleffortsandprogramstocomplywiththeAct. Campus crime, arrest, and referral statistics are reported to Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts. These statistics may also include crimes in private residences or businesses and are not required by law. California law (11160 of the California Penal Code) requires prompt, mandatory reporting to the local law enforcement agency by healthcare practitioners when they provide medical services to a person they know or reasonably suspect is suffering from wounds inflicted by a firearm or is a result of assaultive or abusive conduct. Each year, an e-mail notification is made to all at Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts with the web address to access this report. 121

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