CrimeReporting Prompt reporting will ensure timely warning notices on campus and timely disclosure of crime statistics. Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts does not have campus police. All crime victims and witnesses are strongly encouraged to report the crime immediately. If a crime or other emergency occurs, students are instructed to notify any staff/faculty member of Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts, including the Security personnel if applicable. They will place the 911 call. If the nature of the emergency makes this impossible, the students should call 911 themselves. Contact the appropriate Campus Director for non-emergencies. This information is postedontheGurnickAcademyofMedicalArtspremisesinseveralconspicuousplaces. Confidential Reporting Gurnick AcademyofMedicalArtsdoesnotallowconfidentialreporting.Allreportswillbeinvestigated.Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts does not have procedures for voluntary, confidential crime statistics reporting. Violations of the law will be referred to law enforcement agencies and, when appropriate, to the Campus Director for review. When a potentially dangerous threat to the Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts community arises, timely reports or warnings will be issued. Please see the Timely Warnings Policy above for more information. Procedures All individuals at Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts premises are encouraged to promptly report crimes and public safety-related incidents to the Campus Director. The Campus Director will investigate a report when it is deemed appropriate. If assistance is required from the local Police Department or Fire Department, they will contact the proper unit. If a sexual assault or rape should occur, the Campus Director on the scene will offer the victim assistance after calling 911. This publication contains information about on-campus and off-campus resources available if a crime happens. The information about “resources” is not provided to infer that such resources are “reporting entities” for Gurnick AcademyofMedicalArts. Personal Property Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts does not assume responsibility or is held liable for any loss, damage, or theft of students’ personal property. This includes but is not limited to clothing, jewelry, electronic devices, school materials, credit cards, checks, cash, or cash equivalent. All personal property is the student’s sole responsibility. It is strongly recommended to avoid bringing valuable items when attending class on campus or in a clinical environment. Students bringing any valuable belongings to school do so at their own risk. Incident/Accident Reporting All accidents/incidents, including those occurring on Campus/Clinical Site premises, resulting in personal injury or illness, shall be promptly reported and investigated. If the injury or illness requires emergency medical treatment, call 911 for proper notification of emergency services. Management must complete an Incident/Accident Report form in all cases requiring first-aid treatment, emergency services, or any incident that can develop into an injury or illness. If students/faculty are involved, their Program Coordinator should be notified. If staff is involved, their appropriate supervisors must be notified. In all cases, Campus Directors and management must be notified whenever an Incident/Accident Reportformiscompleted.Thesereportsarethenfiledintherespectiveindividual’sphysicalfolder. AnIncidentReportmustbecompletedinfull,describingthefollowing: ● Incident circumstances, including the date and time of the incident/accident, details of the procedure being performed, including where and how the incident/accident occurred, and if there 122

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