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● Destructionordamagetopersonalorschoolproperty. ● Recklessdrivingorparkingviolationsoncampus. ● Hazingofstudentsorinitiationthatisdangerous,harmful,ordegrading. ● Distribution or obstruction of instruction, classroom activity, research, administrative activity, or other school activity on campus. ● Forcefulorillegalentryintoanareaoftheschoolproperty. ● Cheatingorstealing. ● Illegal activities or other actions deemed inappropriate by the Director. ● Distributing or posting materials, publications, leaflets, or other printed materials without prior permission from the school administration. ● Possessionoffirearms,fireworks,explosives, or any other weapons. ● Falsealarmsorthreats. ● SexualHarassmentofanykind. ● FailuretocomplywiththeGurnickAcademyofMedicalArtspoliciesandprocedures. SAFETY&CAMPUSSECURITY The following policies have been adopted to comply with the requirements of the Campus Security Act (34 CFR 668.46). Access Through approved access control, Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts campuses will be open to students, employees, contractors, guests, and invitees during business hours. Access to all Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts facilities is through the Verkada Pass application for students and staff and through a key fob for contractors, temporary personnel, and visitors. CampusResidences Gurnick AcademyofMedicalArtsdoesnothavecampusresidences. CampusPoliceAuthorityandJurisdiction Security personnel hired by Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts have the authority to ask all people on the premises of Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts for identification and to determine whether those individuals have lawful business at Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts. Security personnel do not possess arrest power. Criminal incidents are referred to the local police, who have jurisdiction on the campus. CrimePreventionPrograms Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts does not have a crime prevention program. In addition, Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts does not have any off-campus student organizations that require monitoring of criminal activity off campus. Security Awareness Programs During initial enrollment, students are informed of services offered by Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts. Students are told about crime on campus. Similar information is presented to new employees during new hire orientation. Gurnick campuses create and maintain an EPP (Emergency Response Plan) as a guide for emergencies. Students and staff may access the EPP in the lobby of each campus. Campuses also practice emergency response protocols quarterly. Periodically, as determined to be needed, presentations or materials may be 120

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