● Degreeorcertificateawardedtothestudent;and ● Theinstitution’sname,address,emailaddress,andtelephonenumber. If a student withdraws before graduation, a summary statement of the student’s progress, refund calculation, andacopyoftherefund(ifapplicable)willbeplacedinthefolder.Thisfolderwillbetreatedasdescribed above. Students mayinspecttheirmasterfileatanytimeunderthedirectsupervisionoftheProgram Director/Coordinator or an authorized staff member. Should a student find, upon the review, that there are inaccurate or misleading records, the student may request that errors be corrected. If a difference of opinion exists regarding mistakes, the student may ask for a meeting with the Program Director or Coordinator to resolve the matter. All student records are confidential and will only be given to authorized persons. Data such as grades, Registry andStatecertification examination scores, health records, and performance evaluations may only be revealed with the student’s consent. Only authorized personnel will have access to in-progress student evaluations and files. TRANSCRIPTS Each student’s folder contains the student’s academic progress record and evidence of diplomas issued by Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts. Official transcript requests will be granted upon payment of a fee of $15.00. Transcripts will only be released upon the student’s written and signed request. Kindly note that transcripts maynotbeavailableimmediatelyastheyareprocessedthroughtheRegistrarattheCorporateoffice. STUDENTCODEOFCONDUCT Students shall always conduct themselves professionally and ethically. Students are expected to conduct themselves within the bounds of acceptable behavior and appearance, as defined in this catalog and the judgment of Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts personnel. No profanity is tolerated in the patient care areas, campus, orclassroomenvironments.Insubordinationtofacultyandclinicalinstructors or dishonesty could be a reasonforimmediateexpulsionfromtheprogram. In addition to being expected to follow the rules and regulations established by the program and clinical facilities, students are expected to follow the Standard of Ethics and act under the American Hospital Association’s Patient’s Bill of Rights. All students are expected to respect the rights of others and are held responsible for conforming to the laws of the national, state, and local governments and conducting themselves in a manner consistent with the best interests of Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts and the student body. Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts reserves theright to expel a student for any of the following reasons, including but not limited to ● Failuretomaintainsatisfactoryacademicprogress ● FailuretopayGurnickAcademyofMedicalArtsfeesortuitionbyapplicabledeadlines o Any unpaid tuition, fees, and supplies balance becomes due and payable immediately uponastudent’sexpulsionfromGurnickAcademyofMedicalArts. ● Disruptive behavior threatens students’ and Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts’ community members’healthandwelfare. ● Unlawful possession, use, distribution, or attempted unlawful possession, use, or distribution of drugsandalcohol. 119

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