Leadership and performance are dynamic explorations of the Universal Laws of Performance and how to apply thempersonallyortoanyorganization.Usedbynotablebusinessesworldwide,theselawsopendoorsto discover and create cultures within a company that will alter the course of any organization. This course guides youindiscoveringtheuniversallawsandhowtoapplythemusingcasestudiesofthree(3)organizations. DMI420–OperationsandHumanResourceManagementinDiagnosticImaging–45ClockHours/3Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: None This course focuses on various issues, including applying Operations Management techniques in radiologic and diagnostic imaging. We will identify protocols, policies, procedures, marketing services, customer management, andsatisfaction methods. This course will provide the student with the foundation necessary to address the day-to-day issues an imaging administrator will experience. This course will foster the student’s goal of achieving their Certified Radiology Administrator Certification (CRA). DMI430–FinancialandAssetManagementinRadiology–45ClockHours/3SemesterCreditHours Prerequisite: None This course will represent a cross-section of today’s imaging profession and give students insight and knowledge of the financial and asset management system in Radiology and its processes. This course aids imaging professionals in preparing for the Certified Radiology Administrator examination by providing educational materials specific to the field. This course will discuss in-depth insights and analyses on various financial and asset managementsubjectsanddiscussstrategicplanningandimplementingaSWOTanalysistoincreasetotal performance. DMI440–DigitalRadiography&PACS–45ClockHours/3SemesterCreditHours Prerequisite: None This comprehensive course investigates many facets of imaging informatics: information technology, imaging modality capabilities, supervision of modality integration, establishing programs for image display quality control, and recognition of specific hazards to the healthcare environment. In addition, students will learn to identify and implement medical imaging standards: DICOM, HL – 7, MQSA, ACR, ICD – 9, and SMOMED. This course prepares students for the Imaging Informatics Professional Certification exam, offered by the American BoardofImagingInformatics(ABII). DMI450–Communication&EducationinImagingInformatics–45ClockHours/3SemesterCreditHours Prerequisite: None This inclusive course discusses the roles and relationships in healthcare settings, medical terminology, communicationsrelatingtosystemavailability or changes, feedback, and feedback mechanisms. Furthermore, this course will explore performance needs assessment, training programs, implementation training, and evaluations of effectiveness training. This course prepares students for the Imaging Informatics Professional Certification exam, offered by the American Board of Imaging Informatics (ABII). DMI460–SystemsManagementinImagingInformatics–45ClockHours/3SemesterCreditHours Prerequisite: None This course explores procurement, project management, and operations of digital imaging systems. Additionally, systems management will be introduced, including cost analysis, system capacity, throughput, disaster plan recovery, business continuity strategies, use problem management, data migration procedures, data security, and individual privacy. This course prepares students for the Imaging Informatics Professional Certification exam, offered by the American Board of Imaging Informatics (ABII). DMI470–TeachingStrategiesforAdultLearnersinHealthScience–45ClockHours/3SemesterCreditHours Prerequisite: None This course imparts important information on motivating, mentoring, and instructing using scientifically based teaching strategies and tactics. There is information on providing individualized instruction in classrooms with 294