multiple learning and behavior problems and how curricula and instruction can be designed to teach functional repertoires and critical thinking rather than inert ideas. The course also discusses determining the effectiveness of curricular initiatives toward meeting standards and course objectives. DMI480–CurriculumDesigninDiagnosticImagingSciences–45ClockHours/3SemesterCreditHours Prerequisite: None This course covers the unique type of curriculum we call “competency-based.” Though not unique to diagnostic medicalimaging,wewillemphasizecurriculumdesignrelatedtotheimagingsciences.Thisclasswilltakeyou throughunderstanding,designing, implementing, and accrediting a competency-based curriculum in a diagnostic medical imaging program. EmphasiswillbepaidtothecurriculumpublishedbytheAmericanRegistryofRadiologicTechnologists®,the underpinningofmostaccreditationorganizations. Wewill also introduce you to the requirements of accrediting organizations. DMI490–MethodsofTeachingOnlineCourse–45ClockHours/3SemesterCreditHours Prerequisite: None This course introduces teaching methods applicable to any coursework in the Allied Health Sciences. DMI510–PrinciplesofComputedTomography–45ClockHours/3SemesterCreditHours Prerequisite: None This course introduces the student to digital imaging processing and image quality. Students will discuss and identify the concepts of data acquisition. In addition, knowledge of the basic principles of sectional anatomy andCTprotocolsandproceduresrelatedtovariousbodypartswillbeanalyzed.Coursetopicswillinclude digital imaging processing, data acquisition concepts, radiation dose, sectional anatomy, protocols and techniques, and pediatric CT imaging. DMI520–AdvancedApplicationsofComputedTomography–45ClockHours/3SemesterCreditHours Prerequisite: None This course introduces the student to basic physics and instrumentation principles related to computed tomography.Coursetopicsincludehistorical perspectives of the modality, physics, and physical characteristics of the computedtomographyprocess,dataacquisition,scannerdesign,imageprocessing,andimagequality. DMI530–ComputedTomographyRegistryReview–45ClockHours/3SemesterCreditHours Prerequisite: None This course reviews the computed tomography curriculum and prepares students for the ARRT® CT post-primary certification examination covering the ARRT® Exam content specifications, Patient Care, Safety, Image Production, and Procedures. This course also includes CT Basics ASRT modules and satisfies the ARRT® 16-credit Structured Education Requirements for CT. DMI540–PhysicalPrinciplesofMRI–45ClockHours/3SemesterCreditHours Prerequisite: None This course provides the student with a comprehensive overview of MR imaging principles. The subjects are formattedinindividual outlines and sequenced according to the level of knowledge desired. Topics include nuclear MRsignal production, tissue characteristics, pulse sequencing, imaging parameters/options, and image formation. DMI550–AdvancedApplicationsinMRI–45ClockHours/3SemesterCreditHours Prerequisite: None This course provides the student with imaging techniques related to the CNS, neck, thorax, musculoskeletal system, and abdominopelvic regions. Students will learn specific clinical applications, available coils and their 295