Clinical experiences are designed to provide patient care and assessment, competent performance of radiologic imaging, and total quality management. Team practice, patient-centered clinical practice, and professional developmentareevaluatedthroughstructured,competency-basedclinicalassignments.Competencylevels ensurethepatient’s well-being before, during, and following the radiologic procedure. RT281–ImageProductionandSafetySeminar–48ClockHours/4.5QuarterCreditHours Prerequisite: Completion of Module VII with a “C” or better. The course reviews the radiologic technology curriculum and prepares students for the ARRT® radiographer’s primary certification and State of California Department of Public Health, Radiologic Health Branch fluoroscopy certification requirements. This course will focus on image production and radiation safety. RT282–ProfessionalDevelopmentandAdvancement–18ClockHours/1.5QuarterCreditHours Prerequisite: Completion of Module VII with a “C” or better. The course prepares students for the post-education transition into the workforce. The course guides students in developing documents that include resume writing skills, developing and practicing effective interviewing skills, and techniques for job search strategies. Students will prepare and apply for the ARRT® and California DepartmentofPublicHealthregistriestoobtaincertification as a radiographer. B.S. in Diagnostic Medical Imaging (B.S. in DMI) Courses – Distance Education (Online) Program DMI330–AdvancedRadiobiology–60ClockHours/4SemesterCreditHours Prerequisite: None This course will provide the radiologic science professional with theories and principles of the interaction of ionizing radiation with living systems. Radiation effects on biological molecules & organisms and factors affecting biological response are explored. Acute and long-term effects of ionizing radiation exposure are discussed. Applications in diagnostic and therapeutic settings are presented. DMI340–QualityControlinDiagnosticImaging–60ClockHours/4SemesterCreditHours Prerequisite: None Training and managing image quality and patient dose will be presented on film screens and digital radiology systems. This course will introduce new regulations and discuss new challenges for practitioners. Radiographers will learn to integrate and maintain the department’s imaging capability and radiation dose management. Quality control will be discussed in-depth, including procedures and protocols, visualization, transmission, and archiving of the images. DMI360–HealthScienceManagement–60ClockHours/4SemesterCreditHours Prerequisite: None This course provides entry-level managers with various tools and theories from which to choose. A marked focus is offered on the evaluation and resolution of personnel issues. An emphasis is placed on the ultimate responsibility of supervisors and managers for the performance of their staff. The text provides information and guidancetoobtainmaximumresultsfromothers.Gettingthingsdonethroughpeopleisakeycomponentof this text. DMI370–ProfessionalCapstonePortfolioProject–45ClockHours/3SemesterCreditHours Prerequisite: None This is an independent study project where students will prepare a professional E-portfolio. This portfolio is to beworkedonbytheBSDMIstudentsthroughouttheprogram,startingfromtheirfirstsemesteruntil completionoftheBSDMIprogram.Itcomprisesmanyindividualprojectsanddocumentspreparingthestudent for professional practice as an imaging professional with a Bachelor of Science in Diagnostic Medical Imaging. DMI410–LeadershipandPerformance–45ClockHours/3SemesterCreditHours Prerequisite: None 293