Thecourseexplainsthecomponents,principles,andoperationofdigitalimagingsystemsfoundindiagnostic radiology. Factors that impact image acquisition, display, archiving, and retrieval are discussed. Guidelines for selecting exposure factors and evaluating images within a digital system assist students in connecting film-based and digital imaging systems. Principles of digital system quality assurance and maintenancearepresented. RT262–RadiographicAdvancedProcedures–48ClockHours/4.5QuarterCreditHours Prerequisite: Completion of Module V with a “C” or better. This course provides entry-level radiography students with principles related to contrast arthrography, pediatric andgeriatric, mammography,bonedensitometry,computedtomography,magneticresonanceimaging, vascular, cardiac, and interventional radiography. The course also introduces diagnostic medical sonography, nuclear and molecular imaging, and radiation oncology principles. RT270C–ClinicalPracticeVII–264ClockHours/8.5QuarterCreditHours Prerequisite: Completion of Module VI with a “C” or better. Clinical experiences are designed to provide patient care and assessment, competent performance of radiologic imaging, and total quality management. Team practice, patient-centered clinical practice, and professional developmentareevaluatedthroughstructured,competency-basedclinicalassignments.Competencylevels ensurethepatient’s well-being before, during, and following the radiologic procedure. RT271–PatientCareandProceduresSeminar–48ClockHours/4.5QuarterCreditHours Prerequisite: Completion of Module VI with a “C” or better. The course reviews patient care and procedures to prepare students for the ARRT® radiographer primary certification and State of California Department of Public Health, Radiologic Health Branch certification examinations. This course will review patient care topics such as sterile technique, medical-legal, imaging procedures, and image analysis. RT272–ComputedTomography–40ClockHours/4QuarterCreditHours Prerequisite: Completion of Module V with a “C” or better. Thecourseprovidesradiographystudentswithcomputedtomography(CT)imagingprinciples.Specialemphasis is placed on studying the head, brain, thorax, abdomen, pelvis, shoulder, elbow, hip, and knee. Correlations between cadaver cross-sections, CTs, MRIs, and radiographs are explored. CT Basics: The Series by ASRT utilized with the course satisfies the ARRT® 16-credit Structured Education Requirements for CT. RT273–Mammography–40ClockHours/4QuarterCreditHours Prerequisite: Completion of Module V with a “C” or better. Thecourseprovidesradiographystudentswiththeprinciplesrelatedtomammography.Topicsincludepatient care, anatomy and physiology of the breast, positioning for routine and diagnostic exams, pathology, mammographyequipment,qualitycontrol,andqualityassurancefordigitalimagingsystems. RT274–AdvancedRadiationProtection–50ClockHours/4QuarterCreditHours Prerequisite: Completion of Module VI with a “C” or better. Thecourseprovidesanoverviewoftheprinciplesofradiationprotection,theresponsibilitiesofthe radiographer for patients, personnel, and the public, and the radiation health and safety requirements of federal and state regulatory agencies, accreditation agencies, and medical organizations. An overview of the principles of interaction of radiation with molecules, cells, tissues, and the body as a whole and the factors affecting biological response are presented, including acute and chronic effects of radiation. RT280C–ClinicalPracticeVIII – 280 Clock Hours/9 Quarter Credit Hours Prerequisite: Completion of Module VII with a “C” or better. 292