● Distributingmaterialsinviolation of copyright law. ● Usingemailservicesforcommercialactivitiesorprofit-makingpurposes. ● Using email servicestovisit, view, or distribute internet sites or content containing obscene, sexually explicit, or profane material. ● Sendingorclickingonmaliciousemaillinks. Writing Emails ● Writewell-structuredemailsanduseshort,descriptivesubjects. ● Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts’ email style is informal. This means that sentences can be short and to the point. You can start your email with “Hi,” or “Dear,” and the person’s name. Messages can be ended with “Best Regards.” However, using Internet abbreviations and characters such as smileys is discouraged. ● Usethespellcheckerbeforeyousendoutanemail. ● Donotsendunnecessaryattachments.Compressattachmentslargerthan2Mbeforesendingthem. ● Donotwriteemailsincapitals. ● DonotuseCC:orBCC:fieldsunlesstheCC:orBCC:oftherecipientisawarethatyouwillbecopying amailtothemandknowswhataction,ifany,totake. ● Stateclearlywhatactionyouexpecttherecipienttotakeifyouforwardanemail. ● Only send emails where the content could be displayed on a public notice board. If they cannot be displayed publicly in their current state, consider rephrasing the email, using other means of communication,orprotectinginformationusingapassword(seeconfidential). ● Onlymarkemailsasnecessaryiftheyareessential. Best Practices Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts considers email an essential means of communication. It recognizes the significance of proper email content and prompt replies to convey a professional image and deliver good customer service. Therefore, Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts requests users to adhere to the following guidelines: Confidential Information ● Avoid sending confidential information by email. If you need to, please ask our staff for the secure email channel, and they will guide you on sharing this information via the encrypted email. Malware/Viruses ● Students should avoid opening files from unknown senders or files they are not expecting, as they could contain malicious code. ● Studentsshouldbecarefultosendfilesthatareknowntobesecure. Replying to Emails ● Emailsshouldbeansweredwithin24hours. Newsgroups ● Users must request permission from their supervisor before subscribing to a newsletter or newsgroup. Maintenance ● Delete any email messages you do not need to archive and set your email client to empty your “deleted items” upon closing. 166