Medical Arts deems this necessary if there is evidence that you are not adhering to the guidelines set out in this policy. Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts reserves the right to take disciplinary action, including termination andlegalaction. EmailAccounts All email accounts maintained on our email systems are the property of Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts. Passwords should not be given to other people and must be changed once every six (6) months. The 2-factor authentication must be activated on your Gurnick email. *Email accounts are available to students for learning and communication within the Gurnick Academy of MedicalArtscommunity.Emailaccountsareprovidedonlytostudentswhoareenrolled. PrimaryMeansofCommunication Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts provided email accounts as the primary means of communication for all academy functions and between yourself and staff, instructors, and fellow students. You must check your Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts provided email every 24 hours. As necessary, official communication will only bedeliveredtoyourGurnickAcademyofMedicalArtsemailaddress. Legal Risks Email services are educational tools, and users must use this tool responsibly, effectively, and lawfully. Although email appears less formal than other written communication, the same laws apply. Therefore, users must be awareofthelegalrisksofemail: ● YouandGurnick Academy of Medical Arts can be held liable if you send or forward emails with any libelous, defamatory, offensive, racist, or obscene remarks. ● You and Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts can be held liable if you unlawfully forward confidential information. ● You and Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts can be held liable for copyright infringement if you unlawfully forward or copy messages without permission. ● YouandGurnick Academy ofMedicalArtscanbeheldliableifyousendanattachmentthatcontains avirus. By following the guidelines in this policy, the email user can minimize the legal risks involved in using email. If any user disregards the rules set out in this Email Usage Policy, the user will be fully liable, and Gurnick AcademyofMedicalArtswilldisassociateitselffromtheuserasfaraslegallypossible. Confidential Information Avoid sending confidential information by email. If you need to, please ask our staff for the secure email channel, and they will guide you on sharing this information via the encrypted email. AcceptableUse Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts students must understand and follow the Email Acceptable Use Policy for appropriate email service usage. Violations of the Email Acceptable Use Policy may result in disciplinary action dependingonthenatureoftheviolation.Examplesofprohibitedusesofemailservicesare: ● Intentionalandunauthorizedaccesstoanotherperson’semail. ● Sending or forwarding emails containing libelous, defamatory, offensive, racist, or obscene remarks. If you receive an email of this nature, you must promptly notify your supervisor. ● Attemptingtoforgeemailmessages. ● Creation and use of a false or alias account to impersonate another individual to send fraudulent communications. 165

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