EquipmentLossesandDamages The student is responsible for the losses or accidental damage to the personal computer, mobile devices, loaner devices, library equipment, equipment purchased through Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts, or any equipment or devices provided by Gurnick Academy. StudentTechnologySecurityPolicy ● Students may not share or reveal personal information such as login names, passwords, full names, addresses, telephone numbers, or social security numbers on the Internet. ● The students may not use someone else’s login name and password on the school or personal equipment. ● Students must notify their instructor if they access information or messages that are threatening, inappropriate, or cause discomfort. ● If you notice a security threat, do not demonstrate the problem to others or attempt unauthorized access to the material. Any student who attempts to breach system security, cause a system security breach, or fails to report a system security matter will be subject to disciplinary and legal action and have their computer privileges limited, suspended, or revoked. ● The Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts system security is a high priority. Students who identify security threats must inform their instructor immediately. TheImportanceofStrongandSecurePasswords Passwords are essential to computer security. In addition to creating a secure password, users should learn to safeguard and use it wisely. We recommend using a password manager if you need help remembering your password. ● Passwordsshouldchangeregularly,atleasteverysix(6)months. ● Useadifferentpasswordforeverything. ● Itsignificantly increases the risk of your accounts being compromised. ● Donotshareyourpasswordwithanyone. ● Donotwriteorstorepasswordsonlinewithoutencryption. ● Donotrevealpasswordsinemail,chat,orotherelectroniccommunication. ● Donotenterpasswordsonquestionnairesorsecurityforms. ● If an account or password compromise is suspected, report the incident immediately to your instructor and Gurnick IT department. GeneralPasswordConstructionStandards 1. Contain at least three (3) of the five (5) following character classes: a. Lowercasecharacters b. Uppercasecharacters c. Numbers d. Punctuation e. Special characters (e.g., !@#$%^&*()_+= etc.) 2. Theminimumlengthofthepasswordshouldbe12charactersormore. Weakpasswordscontainthefollowingcharacteristics 1. Less than twelve (12) characters 2. Commonwordsfoundinthedictionary 3. Commonusagewordsinclude: a. Namesoffamily,pets,friends,co-workers,etc. b. Birthdays and other personal information 167

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