COMPUTERBESTPRACTICES UseAntivirusSoftware Antivirus software is a software utility that detects, prevents, and removes viruses, worms, and other malicious software from the computer. Antivirus programs are essential utilities for any computer. We strongly recommendusingoneofthefollowingAntivirusapplications: 1. Symantec 2. McAfee 3. Webroot 4. Bitdefender 5. Kaspersky 6. TrendMicro 7. WindowsDefender(ComeswithWindowsOSsystem) PerformRegularSoftwareandOperatingSystemUpdates Software and Operating System updates are critical to keeping your system running healthy. Update reminders can be annoying, especially if you have many applications; however, they can improve your experience eventually and ensure that you get the most from your technology. Before downloading newly released software or Operating System updates, we recommend reading other users’ reviews to ensure it’s safe to download and install. Be aware. Cybercriminals like to distribute phony applications designed to steal your information. RunComputerMaintenance Whileusingyourcomputer,temporaryinternetfiles,downloadedfiles,andcachefilesbuildupandreducehard drive space using software utilities such as the built-in Disk Cleanup for Windows or third-party applications such as CCleaner, which can locate and clear these files on your computer. Moreover, visiting many websites collects files that can slow your web browser. It also helps to check your browser’s preferences or settings to find its option to clear the cache or temporary internet files. BackupFiles Regular file backups prevent data loss and can even provide a copy of your entire system in case of hardware failure or malicious software. You can use an external hard drive or flash drive to save your backups and then usetheutility to quickly restore individual files or return your computer to a previous state. You can also utilize cloud storage solutions such as OneDrive, Google Drive, Dropbox, or another cloud storage service for more flexible access to your data on any device. KeepYourKeyboardCrumbFree Dip a cloth or towelette into the isopropyl alcohol and brush it along the tops of all the keys and surfaces. Scrub heavily used areas (such as the Enter key and space bar) to remove buildup. Use a dry, lint-free cloth to remove dust and polish the keyboard. AvoidExtremeTemperatures Computers get warm after a while, and some can get hot. The temperature changes are routine and part of cooling the laptop. However, be aware that if your computer gets hot, it could be an overheating sign, which canpotentially cause damage. Do not leave your computer in a hot car or direct sunlight. UseAProtectiveCase Whencarryingalaptopormovingyourcomputer,useaprotectivecaseorbagtoprotectitfromdamage. 168