ThePostAcademicStudentSuccess(PASS)Programisastructuredlicensurereviewseriesexplicitlydesignedfor Vocational Nurse program graduates to improve the licensure pass rates and increase contact with our graduates. The program is free of charge, and graduates must attend the PASS Program in full to receive financial incentives. Participants must meet with the Career Services Coordinator to sign up for the PASS Program. Graduates are expected to receive their approval to test letters approximately six (6) weeks after graduating from Gurnick AcademyofMedicalArts.TheirapplicationhasbeensuccessfullysentandacceptedbytheBVNPT. FINANCIALPOLICIES ALUMNIGRANTS&SCHOLARSHIP Students who graduate from one Gurnick programandenrollinadditionalprogramsmayqualifyforanalumni grant or scholarship as specified by Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts. The grants or scholarships are tied to specific programs, and the amount of grant or scholarship given per program varies. Please speak with an AdmissionsAdvisorfordetails. Programsthatofferalumnigrantsareasfollows: ● BSDMI:RTGrad($2,000) ● LVN-ADN:VNGrad($16,468) ● LVN-BSNProgram:VNGrad($19,000);ASVNGrad($3,000) ● RN-BSNProgram:ADNGrad($1,800) ● VNProgram:MAGrad($1,900) ● MSN:BSNGrad($1,800) Programsthatofferscholarshipsareasfollows: ● AnyFullImagingProgramtoAnotherFullImagingProgram:Variesperyearwithamaxof$10,000fora st single recipient. The deadline to apply is December 1 for the following year. FEEANDTUITIONINFORMATION All fees and tuition are subject to change without notice, with an effective date noted in the catalog addendum for enrollments that occur after that. The tuition covers the cost of all classroom instruction. For programs scheduled to be completed within four (4) months from the start date, all fees and tuition are to be paid before the first day of class or other deadline dates as may be posted occasionally in the admissions office or on our website. Payment arrangements are made at the time of enrollment. Affordable monthly paymentsareavailable;pleasecontactanadmissionadvisortodiscussfurtherdetails. Private student loans are available for those who qualify. Please check for detailed information on current loans available under Financial Aid. If a student receives a loan to pay for the educational program, the student will be responsible for repaying the full amount of the loan plus interest, less the amount of any refund. The schedule of total charges for a period of attendance and an estimated schedule of total charges for the entire educational program are the same. 95

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