● Note: A combination of military and nonmilitary experience is unacceptable under this method. Proof of 12th-grade education is not required under this method. d. 4-Year Expired California Licensed Vocational Nurse. Section 2892.1 of the Business and Professions Code specifies that a license not renewed for four (4) years shall expire. An expired license cannot be renewed, reissued, or reinstated. The licensee must submit a new application and retake the licensure examinationtoreceiveanewlicense. Applicants under this method must submit evidence of prior licensure with this Board (i.e., copyofanexpiredlicenseorlicensenumber,originalissuedate,andexpirationdate.) Please note that State Boards of Nursing require graduation from accredited nursing schools in many states. Please be aware that if you are deemed eligible for licensure in California using another method of qualifying (i.e., military experience or equivalent education and experience), you may not qualify for licensure by endorsementinotherstates. Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts has determined that the Vocational Nurse Program does not meet the initial licensure requirement in the following states: Alaska. X-ray Technician with Medical Assistant Skills Program (XTMAS) In California, all schools of Limited Scope of Practice in Radiography must receive approval from the State of California Department of Public Health Radiologic Health Branch (CDPH-RHB) before students can begin a course of instruction. The XTMAS program at Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts has obtained status as an approved school. It complies with the limited practice technician instructional practices defined by California law. This school approval allows program graduates to take the limited practice technician licensure examination offered by the State of California Department of Public Health. Once certified, the Limited Practice Technician may legally practice within California. Education Eligibility for a license also specifies the satisfaction of educational preparation requirements. For the primary pathway to certification, eligibility requires completing the respective discipline’s formal educational program that the CDPH-RHB accredits. Candidates must also demonstrate competency in didactic coursework specified by the CDPH-RHB list of clinical procedures. Examination: After meeting all other qualifications, eligibility requires candidates for certification to pass an examination developed and administered by the ARRT®. The exams assess the knowledge and cognitive skills underlying the intelligent performance of the tasks typically required of staff technicians practicing within the respective disciplines. Exam content is specified on this website and in the respective handbook for each discipline. California Department of Public Health, Radiologic Health Branch contact information is MS 7610, P.O. Box 997414, Certification Unit, Sacramento, CA 95899-7414, Phone: (916) 327-5106, Fax: (916) 440-7999, Web: https://www.cdph.ca.gov/Programs/CEH/DRSEM/Pages/RHB-Contact.aspx. It is required by law that Limited Practice Technicians be certified to practice. Completing the XTMAS program at Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts may not automatically qualify the graduate to apply for the State examination. PASSPROGRAM 94

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