OSHA requires for exposure control and medical waste disposal. Aseptic practice is reinforced through needle safety techniques, medication administration, and blood drawn from a vein during phlebotomy. Students are required to complete outside-of-class hours. The minimum estimated time for Outside School Preparation Hours is 25 hours. MA201–BackOfficeClinicalSkills–80ClockHours/4.5QuarterCreditHours Prerequisite: None This course introduces students to clinical skills associated with a physical examination. Medical ethics are explored, including guarding private information and protecting patients’ rights. Pharmacologic terminology and abbreviations are practiced. Math skills to correctly calculate dosages and convert grams and ounces for medicineadministration are practiced. Students practice and review associated drugs, lab tests, diagnostic studies, and treatment courses. Students study First Aid and earn CPR Basic Life Support certification through the American Heart Association (AHA BLS for Healthcare Providers). Students are required to complete outside-of-class hours. The minimum estimated time for Outside School Preparation Hours is 25 hours. MA202–BackOfficeClinicalLaboratory–82.5ClockHours/4.5QuarterCreditHours Prerequisite: None This course introduces students to Microbiology and Blood Chemistry. Students practice asepsis and the disposal of biohazard waste. Students will practice laboratory procedures, including urinalysis, phlebotomy, and hematology. Students will review the purpose and categories of laboratory tests, including collecting, labeling, transporting, and handling specimens. Students are required to complete outside-of-class hours. The minimum estimated time for Outside School Preparation Hours is 27.5 hours. MA300–ClinicalExternship–180ClockHours/6QuarterCreditHours Prerequisite: Completion of MA 100 – MA 220 with a “C” or better. Aclinical Externship is a 6-week student placement in a facility that performs various skills depending on specialty. It provides hands-on practice exposure and an opportunity to apply theoretical concepts. The student will assist facility staff with daily duties in the front and back offices under staff supervision. This experience marksthetransitionfrombeingastudenttoperformingasaMedicalAssistant. Vocational Nurse (VN) Courses – Blended Program EMB001–EssentialMedicalBioscience–80ClockHours Prerequisite: This course is required for Vocational Nurse Program admission. This course considers the basics of general and human biology. Students examine topics in molecular and cell biology, human anatomy, microbiology, nutrition, and biochemistry while incorporating some basic medical terminology into the course material, reviewing basic math skills, and preparing for drug calculations. This is a prerequisite course for entering professional education programs at Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts. VN100–FundamentalofNursing–96ClockHours/9.5QuarterCreditHours Prerequisite: Completion of EMB 001 – Essential Medical Bioscience with 80% or higher. Concurrent enrollment is required with all Module I VN courses. Corequisite: This course is paired with VN 130. Failure in one paired course equals failure in both paired courses. This course begins with a historical perspective on the art and science of nursing and the legal and ethical aspects of the nursing profession. The nursing tools of critical thinking, communication skills, teaching ability, 311