MA107–AnatomyandPhysiologyforMedicalAssistantsI–19ClockHours/1.5QuarterCreditHours Prerequisite: None Anatomy and Physiology for Medical Assistants I begins with an introduction to the foundation of Anatomy and Physiology, including levels of organization, organ systems, cell structure, and tissues and Membranes. The Integumentary, Skeletal, and Muscular Body Systems will be taught. The study of each Body System includes Structure, Function, Pathology, and associated diagnostic procedures. Students are required to complete outside-of-class hours. The minimum estimated time for Outside School Preparation Hours is 7.5 hours. MA108–AnatomyandPhysiologyforMedicalAssistantsII–19ClockHours/1.5QuarterCreditHours Prerequisite: None Anatomy and Physiology for Medical Assistants II studies the nervous, endocrine, circulatory systems, and the senses. The study of each Body System includes Structure, Function, Pathology, and associated diagnostic procedures. Students are required to complete outside-of-class hours. The minimum estimated time for Outside School Preparation Hours is 7.5 hours. MA109–AnatomyandPhysiologyforMedicalAssistantsII–18ClockHours/1.5QuarterCreditHours Prerequisite: None Anatomy and Physiology for Medical Assistants III is a study of the Respiratory, Digestive, Urinary, and Reproductive Systems. The study of each Body System includes Structure, Function, Pathology, and associated diagnostic procedures. Students are required to complete outside-of-class hours. The minimum estimated time for Outside School Preparation Hours is 7.5 hours. MA120A–MedicalTerminologyA–15ClockHours/1QuarterCreditHours Prerequisite: None This course introduces Medical Terminology foundations, including Word Roots, Suffixes, and Prefixes. As learning progresses, students learn terms associated with each Body System. Throughout the course, Adaptive Learning exercises that drive student memorization and Quizzes and Examinations reinforce understanding. Students are required to complete outside-of-class hours. The minimum estimated time for Outside School Preparation is five (5) hours. MA120B–MedicalTerminologyB–15ClockHours/1QuarterCreditHours Prerequisite: Completion of MA 120A with a “C” or higher. This course builds upon principles learned in Medical Terminology A, including Word Roots, Suffixes, and Prefixes. Students learn terms associated with each Body System. Medical Record Case Studies are evaluated, and terminology associated with Medical Specialties is practiced. Adaptive Learning exercises support and drive student memorization. ModuleQuizzesandExaminationsreinforceunderstanding. Students are required to complete outside-of-class hours. The minimum estimated time for Outside School Preparation is five (5) hours. MA200–BackOfficeClinicalFoundations–80ClockHours/4.5QuarterCreditHours Prerequisite: None This course introduces students to clinical patient care. Students will practice professional medical communication with patients and colleagues. Students are taught minor surgery assistance procedures, including setting up, instrument sterilization, and autoclave technique. They learn aseptic medical practice as 310