and cultural sensitivity are presented and analyzed, emphasizing the nursing process, nursing diagnoses, documentation,andtherapeuticnurse/clientrelationship exploration. The core of the course emphasizes the Licensed Vocational Nurse’s role in meeting the basic physiologic needs of the client. Normal physiologic processes are presented as a means of comprehending abnormal processes. VN110–AnatomyandPhysiology–56ClockHours/5.5QuarterCreditHours Prerequisite: Completion of EMB 001 – Essential Medical Bioscience with 80% or higher. Concurrent enrollment is required with all Module I VN courses. This course covers the structure and function of the human body. The single cell through all body systems and theinterrelatedness of the body’s structures and functions are examined. Basic fluid, electrolyte, and acid/base balance concepts are included. VN120–ClinicalNutrition–32ClockHours/3QuarterCreditHours Prerequisite: Completion of EMB 001 – Essential Medical Bioscience with 80% or higher. Concurrent enrollment is required with all Module I VN courses. This course considers the basics of Human Nutrition in Health and Disease. This course focuses on Medical Nutrition Therapy, specifically nursing care in inpatient and outpatient settings. This course’s main goal is to teach and prepare VN students to complete basic screening, assess patients’ nutritional status, and participate in medical nutritional interventions and therapy. These include therapeutic diets, mechanically altered diets, enteral and parenteral nutrition support, pre- and post-operative nutrition therapy, and many others. VN130–ClinicalLabI–120ClockHours/6QuarterCreditHours Prerequisite: Completion of EMB 001 – Essential Medical Bioscience with 80% or higher. Concurrent enrollment is required with all Module I VN courses. Corequisite: This course is paired with VN 100. Failure in one paired course equals failure in both paired courses. This practical skill lab course is an introduction to clinical practicum. Nursing skills are structured and covered in the following order: basic nursing skills, which include basic principles of nursing such as the role and responsibility of the nursing team, the nursing process and nursing and psychiatric care plan, delegation, patient and resident rights, and medical asepsis. This is followed by bathing, bed making, body mechanics and exercise, measurements, normal elimination, personal hygiene and grooming, concepts of safety and restraints, and preventing and treating pressure ulcers. Intermediate nursing skills include enteral nutrition, ostomy care, oxygenation, preoperative and postoperative nursing care, specimen collection, urinary catheter management, wound care, and suctioning. Advanced nursing skills cover managing non-parenteral medications and safe medication administration. Students will be readytoapplytheirnursingskills in real-life clinical settings upon course completion. VN200–Medical/SurgicalNursingI–88ClockHours/8.5QuarterCreditHours Prerequisite: Completion of VN 100, VN 110, VN 120, and VN 130 with 75% or higher. Concurrent enrollment is required with all Module II VN courses. Corequisite: This course is paired with VN 220. Failure in one paired course equals failure in both paired courses. The first course of the medical/surgical nursing series, through a study of theory relative to the adult client, covers basic pathology, signs, symptoms, incidence, methods of diagnosis and treatment, and medical and surgical conditions. Emphasis is placed on the effect and nursing implications of commonly used drugs, and diet modifications are explored. The role of the practical nurse in caring for aging patients, both in the home and medical settings, is explored. Clinical experience and client-centered conferences are used to reinforce classroom theory. This course introduces students to the foundation of medical-surgical nursing, such as caring for clients with altered fluid, 312

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