III. Academic Achievement: College level Courses & High school AP courses 30 A. GPAinNon-BiologyPrerequisiteCourses:Reading&Composition,Psychology, Public Speaking, Sociology, Critical Thinking, Nutrition ● GPA2.50-2.59 2 ● GPA2.60-3.00 5 ● GPA3.01-3.59 10 ● GPA3.6-4.0 15 B. GPA in Math and Sciences: Intermediate Algebra, Anatomy & Physiology, Microbiology ● GPA2.50-2.59 2 ● GPA2.60-3.00 5 ● GPA3.01-3.59 10 ● GPA3.6-4.0 15 IV. Health Care Background 5 ● Onetothree(1–3)years 3 ● Morethanthree(3)years 5 V. Personal Interview 20 ● Professionalism 4 ● AppearanceandDemeanor 4 ● CommunicationSkills 4 ● AnsweringSkills 4 ● Overall Impression 4 VI. Evaluation from the Office of Admissions 5 ● Professionalism 1 ● Timeliness 1 ● Communication ● Compliancewiththerequirements 1 ● Self-Motivation 1 Total Possible Points for Criterion I through Criterion VI: 120 Points Associate of Occupational Science in Radiologic Technology Program (A.O.S. in RT) Applicants must: 1. AttendorviewaliveorrecordedInformationSession. 2. For applicants requesting credit granting for some/all General Education courses – original transcripts from the Registrar at an educational institution. Copies of transcripts are not accepted. All coursework must be completed with a grade of at least a “C.” All credit granting is subject to the ProgramDirectorordesignee’sapproval.Pleaseallowseven(7)daysforreview. 3. PassanESLtestiftheapplicantisanon-nativeEnglishspeaker. 4. Submit two (2)letters of reference. The letters must be typed, dated, and signed within the past two (2) years. The references can be from a current supervisor, employer, and science or math teacher of apost-secondaryinstitution. 5. Submitaone-pageessayinAPAformatthatincludesthefollowing: a. Statementofwhyyouwouldliketojointhemodality. b. Theessential functions and role of a Technologist in this field. 30