c. Preparation to become successful in this program. d. Sources used to prepare for the essay. 6. PassanadmissioninterviewwiththeProgramDirectoranddesignees. 7. Applicants whopossessacurrentStateofCaliforniaLimitedPermit(License)inChest,Extremities, andTorsoSkeletalwill receive credit granting for a portion of the program. 8. GurnickAcademyofMedicalArtsXTMASprogramgraduateswhohavetakenthestateexamandare awaiting the results can enroll as provisional students into the A.O.S. in RT program. If the graduate fails to earn a license in all three categories listed above, the student will be dropped from the A.O.S. in RT program for failing to meet all the admission requirements. A.O.S. in RT Admission Point System Applicants are deemed qualified on a point system. The highest-ranked (above a minimum) may be offered seats in the program. The following point system evaluates each applicant, showing the maximum achievable score. Table 5. A.O.S. in RT Admission Point System I. Admissions Exam Possible Points 50 ● CCAT II. Post-Secondary Education 10 ● AssociateDegree 20 ● BaccalaureateDegree 30 ● Graduate/Master’sDegree 40 ● Post-Graduate/DoctoralDegree III. Academic Achievement: College level Courses & High school AP courses A. Overall GPA 5 ● GPA3.0 10 ● GPA3.5 15 ● GPA3.9 B. MathandScienceGPA 20 ● GPA3.0 30 ● GPA3.5 35 ● GPA3.9 IV. One-Page Resume(required) 25 V. Essay – One-page, APA Format 25 Theessaywillinclude: - Statementofwhyyouwouldliketojointhismodality. - Theessential functions and role of a technologist in this field. - Preparation to become successful in this program. - Sources used to prepare for the essay. 31