● CommunicationSkills ● AppearanceandDemeanor VIII. Evaluation from the Office of Admissions 50 Possible Total Points: 430 Associate of Occupational Science in Respiratory Care Program (A.O.S. in RC) Applicants must: 1. Attend or view a live or recorded Information Session. 2. Meet the following admission policies of Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts: immunization, health screening, and background check (see Policies of Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts in School Catalog and“Admissions”). 3. Submit original transcripts from the Registrar at an educational institution for those requesting credit granting for courses. Copies of transcripts are not accepted. All coursework must be completed with a grade of at least a “C” and a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.5 (on a 4-point) scale. All credit granting is subject to the Program Director or designee’s approval. Please allow seven (7) days for review. 4. Take an Admission Assessment test: the Test of Essentials Academic Skills (TEAS), testing math, reading, English language use, and science. All students are encouraged to log on to www.atitesting.com for study material and other useful resources and information. The TEAS VII Test Passing score = 64% or higher. 5. Pass an interview with the Program Director or Designee in person or online. 6. Submit a written essay on why they have chosen this career path. 7. Before starting this career choice, if an applicant has a criminal record and has been convicted of a felony, it would be in their best interest to contact the Respiratory Care Board (RCB) BEFORE they continue their education endeavors. “Having a prior criminal history does not preclude you from obtaining a license from the Respiratory Care Board of California (RCB). Each applicant for licensure must submit their fingerprints to the California Department of Justice and Federal Bureau of Investigation for a criminal history background check. Upon notification of an applicant’s criminal history, if any, the RCB will open an investigation to determine whether there is a basis to deny the application for licensure.” Table 4. A.O.S. In RC Admission Point System Criteria Possible Points I. Admissions Exam 40 ● TEAS(90.00–100.00) 40 ● TEAS(80.0–89.99) 30 ● TEAS(70.0–79.99) 20 ● TEAS(64.0–69.99) 10 Gurnick AcademyofMedicalArtsusestheTestofEssentialAcademicSkills.The minimumcompositescoreis64%foradmissiontotheAssociateofOccupational Science in Respiratory Care Program. The program will only accept a maximum of two(2)attemptsinoneyear,withthefirstpassingscoreof64%.Ifstudentsdo notattain the minimumof64%onthefirstattempt,theymayretestwithinone (1) year. II. Post-Secondary Education 20 ● Associate Degree 5 ● Baccalaureate Degree 10 ● Graduate/Master’s Degree 20 29