● Help develop the Associate degree student to become a role model, patient advocate, patient educator, and caregiver who provides an environment conducive to maintaining dignity and maximizingthewellnessofeachindividual. ● Guide the Associate Degree student to actively participate in the learning process and assist with developing self-awareness and self-direction. ● Provide a shared learning environment between faculty and students by exchanging knowledge and experience to promote change within the participants. ● Prepare the Associate Degree student with the knowledge, skill, and ability to administer safe, ethical, competent nursing care as a beginning practitioner in various settings. ADNEducationalObjectives Upon completion of the Associate of Science in Nursing Program, the graduate will function within the roles of theRegisteredNurseinvarioushealthcaresettingsandbeableto: 1. Demonstrate the cognitive abilities necessary to integrate nursing concepts and the multidisciplinary body of knowledge to provide therapeutic nursing care. 2. Exhibit the psychomotor and psychotherapeutic abilities necessary for safe nursing care. 3. Implementteachingstrategiestopromoteadaptationtohealth. 4. Demonstratecaringbehaviorsintheprovisionofpatient-centered,individualized care. 5. Usecritical thinking and the nursing process for clinical decision-making. 6. Careforclients and families from diverse and multicultural populations across the lifespan. 7. Communicateeffectivelywithclients, families, and interdisciplinary healthcare team members. 8. Provide a standard of care consistent with legal, ethical, and regulatory guidelines and the BRN Practice Act. 9. Recognize responsibility for maintaining competence as a registered nurse through self-evaluation andcontinuingnursingeducation. 10. Perform as an accountable member of the nursing profession. 11. Understand and integrate technology into providing care to clients across the healthcare continuum. 12. Develop a foundation for advanced study and professional growth in nursing. ADNProgramOutline Table 38. Generic ADN Program Outline ABHES BRN Semester Course CourseTitle Clock Clock Credit Number Hours Hours Hours GE020A HumanBodyinHealthandDiseaseIwithLab 75.0 90.0 4.0 GE041 GeneralMicrobiologywithLab 75.0 90.0 4.0 GE222 English Reading and Composition 45.0 45.0 3.0 GE112 AlgebraI 45.0 45.0 3.0 GE202 GeneralPsychology 45.0 45.0 3.0 GE020B HumanBodyinHealthandDiseaseIIwithLab 75.0 90.0 4.0 GE031 Nutrition in Health & Disease 45.0 45.0 3.0 GE110 Critical Thinking 45.0 45.0 3.0 GE201 Introduction to Sociology 45.0 45.0 3.0 GE240 Public Speaking, Basics of Effective Communication 45.0 45.0 3.0 RN100 FundamentalsofNursingTheory* 45.0 45.0 3.0 RN101 FundamentalsofNursingClinicalandLab* 157.5 157.5 3.5 RN102 Health AssessmentTheory* 30.0 30.0 2.0 RN103 Health AssessmentSkills Lab* 67.5 67.5 1.5 193

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