Students will attend up to forty (40) hours per week of instruction, including didactic, labs, and clinical. Clinical activities may be held during weekdays or weekends, and shifts may include day or evening as the clinical site requires. Didactic courses are held between 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM. Students receive 1,414 hours of didactic and laboratory instruction and 1,232 hours of clinical education, allowing them to apply the lecture topics to practical use. ASSOCIATEOFSCIENCEINNURSINGPROGRAM(ADN) 90WEEKS(GENERIC);33WEEKS(LVNTORN) 80SEMESTERCREDITHOURS ASSOCIATEDEGREEPROGRAM,6SEMESTERS LVNTORN,2SEMESTERS STANDARDOCCUPATIONALCLASSIFICATION (SOCCode):29-1141.00,29-1141.01 POTENTIALOCCUPATIONS: Please see a school official for the complete list of potential occupations. LOCATION:Fresno DELIVERY: Blended (Residential and Distance Education) AGurnickAcademyofMedicalArtsstudentintheNursingSkillsLabattheFresnocampus. ADNProgramMission Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts aims to offer quality allied health and nursing programs that integrate professional skills, career-focused education, and hands-on practical experience by empowering students to developandachievetheirpersonalandcareergoals. ADNProgramDescription Nursing graduates play an essential role in healthcare. Registered Nurses are vital to the healthcare team as they provide and coordinate patient care. RNs assess patients, administer medication and treatments, consult doctors, and teach patients how to manage illness or injuries. Weoffer two (2) different pathways that include didactic and hands-on training. The first track is a six-semester programfornon-nursingapplicants. Weoffer asecondtrackforthosewithanLVN/LPNlicenseandcompletedgeneraleducationcourses.LVNtoRN applicants can complete the program in two semesters and a three-week LVN to RN transition course. After program completion, students will receive an NCLEX prep class to prepare for the RN licensure board examination. ADNProgramGoals ● Provide a high-quality educational experience to each individual desirous to advance in the healthcare profession. ● Provide adepthofhumanunderstandingandawiderangeofnursingskillsbasedoncommunication andscientific principles. ● Guide the Associate Degree student in collaborative practice with other healthcare professionals to meetpatientnursingneeds. ● Employthenursingprocessintheprovisionofsafeandeffectivecare. 192
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