RN104 FundamentalsofPharmacology 30.0 30.0 2.0 RN106 Pathophysiology 30.0 30.0 2.0 RN200 Medical/Surgical I Theory-Introduction to Med/Surg* 45.0 45.0 3.0 RN201 Medical/Surgical I Clinical-Introduction to Med/Surg* 90.0 90.0 2.0 RN202 Medical/Surgical II Theory-Intermediate Med/Surg* 45.0 45.0 3.0 RN203 Medical/Surgical II Clinical-Intermediate Med/Surg* 90.0 90.0 2.0 RN300 MaternalNewbornTheory* 45.0 45.0 3.0 RN301 MaternalNewbornClinical* 67.5 67.5 1.5 RN302 CareofChildrenTheory* 45.0 45.0 3.0 RN303 CareofChildrenClinical* 67.5 67.5 1.5 RN304 Medical/Surgical III Theory-Advanced Med/Surg* 45.0 45.0 3.0 RN305 Medical/Surgical III Clinical-Advanced Med/Surg* 90.0 90.0 2.0 RN400 MentalHealthTheory* 30.0 30.0 2.0 RN401 MentalHealthClinical* 90.0 90.0 2.0 RN402 Medical/Surgical IV Theory-Complex/Critical Care 45.0 45.0 3.0 Med/Surg&Leadership* RN403 Medical/Surgical IV Clinical-Complex/Critical Care 90.0 90.0 2.0 Med/Surg&Leadership* TOTAL 1,785.0 1,830.0 80.0 GeneralEducationCoursesareidentifiedinItalics. *Paired course. See the course description for more details. ADNProgram–LVNtoRNAdvancedPlacementProgramOutline Prerequisite-General Education Courses LVN to RN Advanced Placement (Can be completed at Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts or be credit granted). Table 39. LVN to RN Advanced Placement General Education Outline ABHES BRN Semester Course CourseTitle Clock Clock Credit Number Hours Hours Hours GE020A HumanBodyinHealthandDiseaseIwithLab 75.0 90.0 4.0 GE041 GeneralMicrobiologywithLab 75.0 90.0 4.0 GE222 English Reading and Composition 45.0 45.0 3.0 GE112 AlgebraI 45.0 45.0 3.0 GE202 GeneralPsychology 45.0 45.0 3.0 GE020B HumanBodyinHealthandDiseaseIIwithLab 75.0 90.0 4.0 GE031 Nutrition in Health & Disease 45.0 45.0 3.0 3.0 GE110 Critical Thinking 45.0 45.0 3.0 GE201 Introduction to Sociology 45.0 45.0 3.0 GE240 Public Speaking, Basics of Effective Communication 45.0 45.0 TOTAL 540.0 585.0 33.0 GeneralEducationCoursesareidentifiedinItalics. Prerequisite Nursing Courses: LVN to RN Advanced Placement (These courses will be credit granted for LVNs, subject to the Credit Granting Policy). 194
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