Applicants must register online through our website. To complete registration, applicants must select the CPR Course on the CE Courses page. Choose an appropriate campus and desired start date and click the Registration button. Follow the required steps to complete registration. Students must contact their Admission Advisor to follow up on the completion of registration. CPRCourseDescription The CPR for Basic Life Support Course aims to train participants to save the lives of victims in cardiac arrest through high-quality cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). The American Heart Association designed the CPR for Basic Life Support Course to prepare healthcare professionals to perform CPR in and out of hospital settings. This course trains participants to promptly recognize cardiac arrest, give high-quality chest compressions, deliver appropriate ventilations, and provide early use of an automated external defibrillator (AED) as part of a team and individually. The course also teaches how to relieve choking. This course includes adult, child, and infant rescue techniques. IntendedAudience This course is intended for medical or nursing students, aides, medical assistants, and other healthcare personnel. CourseLength Thefull course is approximately 4.5 hours. The renewal course is approximately three (3) hours. CPRCardInformation Students who pass the test will receive the BLS/CPR card valid for two (2) years upon class completion. Students whodonotpassthetestwillnotreceivethecard. Diagnostic Medical Imaging Advanced Clinical Practicum 45CLOCKHOURS LOCATION:ConcordCampus DELIVERY:Residential CourseDescription This course allows students to perform clinical repetitions in advanced imaging modalities, including MRI, CT, or Mammography. Repetitionswillbedirectlyrelatedtopost-primarycertification exam requirements. This course canberepeatedamaximumofthree(3)times. CourseObjectives Bythecourseend,studentswillhavebasicknowledgeandunderstandingofthefollowing: 1. Perform clinical repetitions in advanced medical imaging procedures to meet the ARRT® post-primary certification requirements. 2. Practice correct clinical protocols of advanced medical imaging procedures as designated by the clinical site. 3. Exemplify professionalism and follow all related clinical policies and procedures. 4. Provide adequate patient care and demonstrate proper teamwork to healthcare staff. 5. Demonstrateproperbodymechanicswhenprovidingpatientcare. Learning Outcomes 1. Operatewithintheparametersestablishedbytheclinicalevaluationtoolsandtheirobjectives. 2. Complete the minimum number of mandatory clinical repetitions as needed to be eligible to sit for thepost-primarycertification exam requirements. 235

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