The X-ray Technician with Medical Assistant Skills program provides a library and classrooms with teaching aids, textbooks, journals, periodicals, anatomical charts, phantoms, and energized lab equipment. The X-ray Technician with Medical Assistant Skills program is a diploma program. The student will receive didactic, laboratory, and clinical experience in affiliated medical facilities. The Instructor-to-Student ratio is 1:10 for the laboratory, 1:30 during residential lectures, 1:25 during online lectures, and 1:1 during clinical externships. Classes may be scheduled MondaythroughSunday.Studentswillattendupto40hoursperweekofinstruction, including didactic, labs, and clinical. Clinical activities may be held during weekdays or weekends, and shifts may include day or evening as the clinical site requires. Didactic courses are held between 8:00 AM to 10:30 PM. The program’s affiliated clinical sites hold current state-issued certificates as approved clinical sites. The clinical sites provide supervised clinical instruction in the patient care setting. All clinical sites employ radiologic technologists and supervisors/operators (doctors) who hold certification from the State of California Radiologic Health Branch. The X-ray Technician with Medical Assistant Skills program consists of 77.5 quarter credit hours, completed over 52 weeks for 1,341 contact hours. Day/evening classes are currently scheduled for the program. Please refer to thecourseschedulefordetails.Beforegraduation,studentsmustcompletealldidacticandclinicalhours. CONTINUINGEDUCATIONANDONLINEPREREQUISITECOURSES ONLINEEDUCATIONPREREQUISITECOURSES Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts offers Prerequisite Courses that ABHES does not accredit. Prerequisite courses are offered in online and residential formats. Our online education extends prerequisite and supplementalcoursesandisintendedforstudentsenteringourcoreprograms. CONTINUINGEDUCATIONCOURSES Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts offers Continuing Education Courses. These courses are not accredited and are intended to bring professionals up to date in knowledge and skills. CPRCourseforBasicLifeSupport 1DAY 4.5 CLOCKHOURS(FullCourse) 3CLOCKHOURS(RenewalCourse) CPRCard LOCATION:AllCampuses DELIVERY:Residential AGurnickAcademystudent. CPRCourseRegistration Before registration, applicants must meet the following admission criteria: ● ProvideavalidPhotoIdentificationonthedayofthecourse. 234

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