3. Performtheminimumnumberofclinicalhoursrequiredforthecourse. 4. Maintainasafeworkenvironmentforpatients,visitors,andhealthcareworkers. 5. Provide patient-centered, clinically effective care for all patients regardless of age, gender, disability, special needs, ethnicity, or culture. 6. Applystandardandtransmission-basedprecautions. 7. Maintainpatientconfidentiality standards and meet HIPAA requirements. 8. Demonstratetheprinciplesoftransferring, positioning, and immobilizing patients. 9. Communicateprofessionallywiththepatientandstaffmembers 10. Execute imaging protocols according to site standards. Table 75. Diagnostic Medical Imaging Advanced Clinical Practicum Course Outline CourseNumber Title Clock Hours DMI670C AdvancedClinical Practicum 45.0 TOTAL 45.0 Essential Medical Bioscience (EMB) 80CLOCKHOURS LOCATION:Concord,Fresno,Modesto,andSanJose DELIVERY:Residential CourseDescription The Essential Medical Bioscience Course considers the basics of general and human biology. We will examine molecular and cell biology, human anatomy, microbiology, nutrition, and biochemistry topics while incorporating basic medical terminology and reviewing basic math skills in preparing for drug calculations. This is a prerequisite course for entering professional Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts education programs. This course will include a Medical Terminology component, offered in an independent, self-study format that students complete online at their own pace. Students will access moodle.gurnick.edu and select the course Medical Terminology Part 1A. (The instructor will explain specific directions for accessing the material.) Students will be responsible for learning the material presented in this part of the course by completing practice quizzes, games, etc. The material covered in the Medical Terminology Self-Study Course will be evaluated as part of the Final Exam at the end of the Essential Medical Bioscience course. This course does not fall within the ABHES scope of accreditation. CourseGoalsandObjectives ● Structureofatoms,molecules,basicLawsofThermodynamics,propertiesofmatter. ● OrganicChemistryandBiochemistry. ● CellAnatomy,Chemistry,Biochemistry,EnergyMetabolism,celldivision,andcellcycle. ● HumanBodyOrganization,BodyCavities,andMajorOrganSystems. ● BodyTissuesandBasicStructuresandFunctionsofOrgansandOrganSystems. ● BasicconceptsofGeneticsandlawsofinheritance,sexualandasexualreproduction. ● CoreconceptsinMicrobiologyandthestudyofmicrobes. ● BasicsofImmunologyandBloodcompositionandfunctions. ● BasicMedicalTerminologyandcommonacronymsareusedinmostclinicalsettings. ● ElementaryMathskills. 236

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