GEH020–MedicalTerminology–18ClockHours/1.5QuarterCreditHours Prerequisite: None This course introduces the student to medical and pathological terms related to specific body systems. Through lectures, discussions, demonstrations, visual aids, and self-study, the student will develop knowledge and understandingoftheprofessionallanguagetofunctionandcommunicateeffectivelywithothermedicalteam members.ThisisaGeneralEducationCourse. GEH101–OrganizationandFunctionofHealthServices–45ClockHours/3SemesterCreditHours Prerequisite: None This course focuses on healthcare and delivery of services: identification and function of governmental, private, andvoluntaryorganizations and programs in health protection and promotion at local, state, and national levels. This is a General Education Course. GEH102–EssentialsofPatientEducation–45ClockHours/3SemesterCreditHours Prerequisite: None This GE course toward the BSN or bachelor’s degree in imaging disciplines identifies the principles of effective patient education. It explores cultural needs, literacy, and other barriers to understanding and amiability to health education. Students will develop oral and written presentations of culturally sensitive material by the course’s end. This is a General Education Course. GEH201–HolisticHealthandComplementaryAlternativeMedicine–30ClockHours/2SemesterCredit Hours Prerequisite: None This course synthesizes East and West modalities that can be applied to patient care in and out of care facilities. It introduces the holistic concept of health and wellness and adjunctive therapies. Complementary Alternative Medicine(CAM)canbeusedaloneorwithestablishedapproachestomedicalintervention.Thetopics discussed include stress reduction, meditation, relaxation techniques, visual imagery, and herbal therapies. This is a General Education Course. GEH253–EthicsandLawinRadiography–24ClockHours/2QuarterCreditHours Prerequisite: Completion of GEH 020 with a “C” or better. This course provides a fundamental background in ethics. The historical and philosophical basis of ethics and the elements of ethical behavior will be discussed. Students examine various ethical issues and dilemmas they mayfaceinclinical practice. This course will include out-of-class work such as reading and writing assignments, practice and practical application assignments, and projects. This course will include outside-of-school preparation hours such as reading and writing assignments, practice and practical application assignments, and projects. GEH301–EthicsandLawinHealthScience–45ClockHours/3SemesterCreditHours Prerequisite: None This course examines health law and ethics and their financial and emotional impact on healthcare professionals, patients, and facilities. Course content includes legal and compliance issues affecting both the employeeandemployer.Topicsincludeadministrativelaw,professionalmalpractice,patientrights, risk management,laborlaw,contractlaw,andethicalconsiderations.ThisisaGeneralEducationCourse. Associate of Occupational Science in Cardiac Ultrasound Technology (A.O.S. in CUT) Courses – Blended Program CS300–IntroductiontoCardiology1–72ClockHours/7QuarterCreditHours Prerequisite: Completion of courses in preceding modules with a “C” or better. Introduction to Cardiology 1 is an introduction to anatomy, physiology, diagnostic tests, embryology and 252