Prerequisite: None This course studies basic methods and concepts of sociology, which have broad academic relevance and can be applied to studying sociology and other academic disciplines. This is a General Education Course. GE201-50–IntroductiontoSociology(50hr)–50ClockHours/5QuarterCreditHours Prerequisite: None This course studies basic methods and concepts of sociology, which have broad academic relevance and can be applied to studying sociology and other academic disciplines. Attending a Live Webinar session is a required part of this course. This is a General Education Course. GE202–GeneralPsychology–45ClockHours/3SemesterCreditHours Prerequisite: None This course includes studying basic methods and concepts of psychology, which have broad academic relevance andcanbeappliedtostudyingpsychologyandotheracademicdisciplines.ThisisaGeneralEducationCourse. GE221–WrittenCommunicationforProfessionals–45ClockHours/3SemesterCreditHours Prerequisite: None Theability to write clearly and effectively is key to professional communication. This set of skills should not be limited to journalists or professional authors. This course will discuss overcoming common mistakes and improvingcommunicationusingthewrittenword. This writing skills course includes spelling, grammar, the importance of structure, and formal and informal writing styles. This course also covers the skills needed to enable learning, communication of ideas, and understandingtheideasofothersmoreeffectively.ThisisaGeneralEducationCourse. GE222–EnglishReadingandComposition–45ClockHours/4.5QuarterCreditHours/3SemesterCredit Hours Prerequisite: None This course introduces students to reading various literary texts and teaches them the basic elements of fiction, poetry, and drama. The course will teach students to write analysis, explication, and compare-and-contrast essays responding to the literature read. This is a General Education Course. GE222-50–EnglishReadingandComposition(50hr)–50ClockHours/5QuarterCreditHours Prerequisite: None This course introduces students to reading various literary texts and teaches them the basic elements of fiction, poetry, and drama. The course will teach students to write analysis, explication, and compare-and-contrast essays responding to the literature read. Attending a Live Webinar session is a required part of this course. This is a General Education Course. GE230–Written&OralCommunication–45ClockHours/4.5QuarterCreditHours Prerequisites: None This course will explore the fundamental analog and digital skills of oral and written communication to help create professional written and oral communication within their careers. This is an introduction to various methods used to communicate effectively and create a language that articulates information to connect a speakertoanaudience.ThisisaGeneralEducationCourse. GE240–PublicSpeaking,BasicsofEffectiveCommunication–45ClockHours/3SemesterCreditHours Prerequisite: None This course introduces communication in interpersonal relationships, group interactions, and formal speaking, with skill development in listening, speech preparation, and oral presentation. This is a General Education Course. 251