Results are valid for one (1) year. Please note that if a graduate (or current student) applies for another program and their CCAT result has expired, this person must retake the test. Students applying to a program without a minimumrequiredscorewillhaveoneopportunitytotakethetestwithinacalendaryear. Universal Cognitive Aptitude Test (UCAT) The Universal Cognitive Aptitude Test (UCAT) is an aptitude test that measures an individual’s aptitude to solve problems, digest and apply information, learn new skills, and think critically. The exam consists of 40 items with a 20-minute time limit. Applicants are allowed two (2) attempts within a calendar year to take the exam. There mustbeatleastseven(7)daysbetweenattempts. Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS®) The Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS®) measures essential basic skills in the academic content domains of reading, mathematics, science, and English and language usage. The test is intended for use primarily with adult nursing program applicant populations. The objectives assessed on TEAS® VII* are those that nurse educators deemed most appropriate and relevant to measure the entry-level academic readiness of nursing program applicants. The TEAS exam is proctored remotely by ATI, and the cost for this exam is $115 per individual test taker. Applicants are allowed two (2) attempts a year starting from the first exam’s original date. Results are valid only for one year. All students are encouraged to log on to for study material and other useful resources and information. For the A.S. in Nursing and B.S. in Nursing programs, the score on the most recent attempt will be accepted for theA.S. in Nursing and B.S. in Nursing. Breakdownoftestsubjects(bythepercentageoftheentiretest): o Reading–28% o Mathematics–20% o Science–32% o EnglishandLanguageUsage–20% Additional Admission RequirementsperProgram Associate of Occupational Science in Cardiac Ultrasound Technology Program (A.O.S. in CUT) Applicants must: 1. AttendorviewaliveorrecordedInformationSession. 2. Submit original transcripts from the Registrar at an educational Institution for applicants requesting credit granting for some/all General Education courses. Copies are not accepted. All coursework must be completed and given a grade of at least a “C.” Anatomy and Physiology I with Laboratory must be completed within the last five (5) years. All credit granting is subject to the approval of the ProgramDirectororProgramCoordinator.Pleaseallowseven(7)daysforreview. 3. CompleteanadmissioninterviewwiththeProgramDirectoranddesignees. Associate of Occupational Science in CUT Admission Point System Applicants are deemed qualified on a point system. The highest-ranked (above a minimum) will be offered seats in the program. The following point system evaluates each applicant, showing the maximum score achievable. Table 3. A.O.S. in CUT Admission Point System 27