Per the Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts Employee Manual, the Executive Corporate Management Teammay accept a maximum of one (1) nominated applicant per program start who meets all admissions requirements withoutapointrankingsystem,ifapplicabletotheprogramofinterest. GeneralAdmissionRequirementsforallPrograms All applicants to Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts must: 1. Meet with the program’s Admission Advisor to review all required disclosures and receive complete information before enrolling with Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts. Kindly note that some programs may have additional requirements, such as attending a live or viewing a recording of an Information Session before meeting with Admissions; please see Additional Admissions Requirements per program. 2. Meet with a Financial Aid Advisor to review all required disclosures and receive complete information before enrolling at Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts. This requirement does not apply to non-financial aid programs or courses. 3. Pay all applicable fees per the published fee schedule before issuing an enrollment agreement or makingotherpaymentarrangementsacceptabletoGurnickAcademyofMedicalArts. 4. Possess a High School Diploma from an approved/accredited high school or a GED. Please ask an Admission Advisor for more details and the approved high school list. Please refer to the Foreign Transcript/Diploma Evaluation Policy for more information regarding additional requirements. 5. At least 18 (official ID is required) to enroll in a core program. Some programs may allow enrollment at age 17. Please see program-specific admission requirements for details. 6. Complete the entrance exam with the minimum score required as outlined in the table Admission Requirements Summary. All Programs utilize the Criteria Cognitive Aptitude Test (CCAT) with a minimumentranceexamscoreunlessspecifiedinthetableabove. 7. CompletetheOnlineApplicationconsistingofthefollowingdocuments: a. Online Application b. NewStudentQuestionnaire c. Distance Education Questionnaire d. AcademicIntegrity Statement e. ConsenttoReceiveElectronicCommunications 8. Comply with all Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts requirements for Immunizations, Health Screening, Background Check, and CPR/First Aid policy. 9. Complywiththeprogram’sperformancerequirements. Readeachprogram’sperformancerequirementsintheProgramPerformanceRequirementssection. 10. ComplywiththeAdditionalAdmissionRequirementsperprogram. Please review this section for the applicable program. 11. Meet the minimum student skills, hardware, and software requirements if the student enrolls in distance education (online) courses. Please refer to the Minimum Requirements for Students Enrolling in the Distance Education Courses section. 12. Ability to read and write English at an American high school graduate level, as demonstrated by a high school diploma, GED, or passing the California high school proficiency exam. Criteria Cognitive Aptitude Test (CCAT) The Criteria Cognitive Aptitude Test (CCAT) is an aptitude test that measures an individual’s aptitude to solve problems, digest and apply information, learn new skills, and think critically. The exam consists of 50 items. There is no cost for this exam. Applicants are allowed three (3) attempts within a calendar year to pass the exam.Studentsareallowedtoretestthesamedayasthefirstfailedexam.Theremustbeatleastseven(7)days betweenattemptsafterthat. 26