MR104–PatientCare–36ClockHours/3.5QuarterCreditHours Prerequisite: None This course is designed to provide the basic concepts of patient care, including consideration for the patients’ andfamilies’ physical and psychological needs. Routine and emergency patient care and infection control proceduresutilizing standard precautions will be described. The role of the MRI technologist in patient education will be identified, including ethics, communication, and age-appropriate care. MR111–MRIClinicalI–264ClockHours/8.5QuarterCreditHours Prerequisite: None This course allows students to practice the skills necessary to obtain high-quality MR images, objectively alter protocols based on patient pathology or physical condition, identify image quality problems, and make appropriate corrections. The clinical is conducted at a clinical facility after or with didactic instruction. Activities include demonstration and observation, after which the student assists in performing the activity. Thestudentcanperformtheactivityunderdirectsupervisionwhensatisfactoryproficiencyisapparent.When boththestudentandinstructoraresatisfiedwiththestudent’sproficiency,thestudentwillperformstudies underindirect supervision to gain experience and expertise in MR imaging. This course is presented with a progression in competency levels in clinical performance objectives and competencyexams.Thestudentwillhaveaccesstothefacilities,personnel,examinations,andeducational materials to achieve the course objectives competently. MR201–SectionalAnatomyII–24ClockHours/2QuarterCreditHours Prerequisite: None This course studies human anatomy in axial, sagittal, and coronal planes. Other imaging planes are studied whenrelevantfordemonstratinganatomyinspecificregions.CorrelationtoMRIispracticedinthiscourse. Bony, muscular, vascular, organs, and soft tissues of the following anatomical regions are studied: the central nervoussystem(brainandspine),otherstructuresinthehead,softtissueneck,musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, thorax, abdomen, and pelvis. MR202–MedicalTerminologyII–18ClockHours/1.5QuarterCreditHours Prerequisite: None This course introduces the student to medical and pathological terms related to specific body systems. Through lectures, discussions, demonstrations, visual aids, and self-study, the student will develop knowledge and understandingoftheprofessionallanguagetofunctionandcommunicateeffectivelywithothermedicalteam members. MR203–MRIProtocolsandProceduresI–42ClockHours/4QuarterCreditHours Prerequisite: None This course provides students with imaging techniques for the CNS, neck, thorax, musculoskeletal system, and abdominopelvicregions.Studentswilllearnthespecific clinical application, available coils, their use, considerations in the scan sequences, specific protocol choices (i.e., slice thickness, phase direction, flow compensation), and positioning criteria. Anatomicalstructures, the plane that best demonstrates anatomy, and signal characteristics of normal and abnormalstructureswill be discussed. Pharmacology, as it pertains to MRI, will be discussed. MR204–MRISafety–36ClockHours/3.5QuarterCreditHours Prerequisite: None This course introduces the basic principles of MR safety and covers the basic concepts of patient management. Educating patients and ancillary staff on magnet safety is also presented. Patient and magnet-related 276

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