will vary as to the externship site assignment for each student. This allows the student to relate theory to practice in a supervised situation. The student’s ability to perform correct protocols and acquire effective patient diagnostic information is evidenced by meeting specific objectives and competencies in each clinical specialty area. Level 2 competency evaluation will be signed off by clinical instructors on Trajecsys and reviewed by the clinical coordinator. A Clinical Instructor (CI) Preceptor Handbook is provided for each site supervisor. The handbook guides the CI and department staff regarding the expectations of the ultrasound extern. VU X02 also consists of assignmentsonMoodleforARDMSpreparation. The emphasis will be on the SPI preparation to encourage students in VU X02 to take the ARDMS SPI exam before graduation. There are virtual labs on Moodle to be used if clinical site assignment is unavailable for reasons determined by the clinical site and the school. The clinical coordinator may give virtual lab assignmentsforextralearningopportunities or make-up assignments. Associate of Science in Magnetic Resonance Imaging (A.S. in MRI) Courses – Blended Program MR001–IntroductiontoMRI–120ClockHours/12QuarterCreditHours Prerequisite: None This course introduces the MRI training program. The one hundred and twenty (120) hours of didactic instruction will prepare students for clinical, which begins in the fourth week, ensuring safety in MRI technology. This course will give the student an overview of Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Safety. Program policies and student responsibilities will be outlined. ThefundamentalprinciplesofMRI,equipment,andterminologywillbeintroduced.Theroleofthe technologist in maintaining patient safety and comfort and coworkers’ safety is discussed. A brief introduction to imaging parameters and the clinical application of MRI is included. The student will be introduced to the basic setup for most routine MRI procedures. MR101–SectionalAnatomyI–24ClockHours/2QuarterCreditHours Prerequisite: None This course studies human anatomy in axial, sagittal, and coronal planes. Other imaging planes are studied whenrelevantfordemonstratinganatomyinspecificregions.CorrelationtoMRIispracticedinthiscourse. Bony, muscular, vascular, organs, and soft tissues of the following anatomical regions are studied: the central nervoussystem(brainandspine),otherstructuresinthehead,softtissueneck,musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, thorax, abdomen, and pelvis. MR102–MedicalTerminologyI–18ClockHours/1.5QuarterCreditHours Prerequisite: None This course introduces the student to medical and pathological terms related to specific body systems. Through lectures, discussions, demonstrations, visual aids, and self-study, the student will develop knowledge and understandingoftheprofessionallanguagetofunctionandcommunicateeffectivelywithothermedicalteam members. MR103–PhysicalPrinciplesofMRI–54ClockHours/5QuarterCreditHours Prerequisite: None This unit provides the student with a comprehensive overview of MR imaging principles. The subjects are formattedinindividual outlines and sequenced according to the level of knowledge desired. Topics include the history of MR, nuclear MR signal production, tissue characteristics, pulse sequencing, imaging parameters/options, and image formation. 275

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