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60%ofthescheduledhoursordaysinthepaymentperiodhasfullyearnedtheTitleIVfunds disbursed for the payment period. 3. The amount of Title IV aid earned by the student is calculated: The ratio from above is multiplied by the total Title IV aid disbursed or that could have been disbursed to equal the amount of the Title IV aid earned. 4. A return is due if the aid disbursed exceeds the aid earned. A post-withdrawal disbursement is due if theaidearnedexceedstheaiddisbursed. 5. The school is responsible for returning the amount of unearned aid up to the unearned charges (charges for the payment period multiplied by the unearned % from above). 6. Any federal funds the school must return will be returned within 45 days of the determination that a student has withdrawn. Fundswill be returned in the following order: a) Unsubsidized Stafford Loans; b) SubsidizedStafford Loans; c) PLUSLoans; d) Pell Grants; e) FSEOG; f) IASG. Students are responsible for returning the balance of the unearned aid after subtracting the amount returned bytheschool.Thestudentreturnsloanfundsduringloanrepayment;theR2T4calculationwillshowanygrant fundsthestudentmustreturnimmediately.Studentswhodonotrepaytheamountofanygrantoverpayment are reported to NSLDS. The debt is referred to the U.S. Department of Education for collection. Students should be aware that Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts’ return of funds to the federal government as required by the R2T4 calculation may result in a higher balance due to the school from the student. ADMINISTRATIVEPOLICIES CATALOGPOLICIES Policies governing student conduct, admissions, prerequisites, graduation requirements, fees, course structures, duration of the subjects and courses, time of program offerings, and other aspects of this institution’s operations are subject to change. Changes in the content of this catalog will be added to the Catalog Addendum and,theCatalogandtheAddendum represent current and updated information. Wereservetherighttoadopt,amend,orrepealallGurnickAcademyofMedicalArtspolicies.Thiscatalogdoes not constitute a contract or enrollment agreement. It also does not constitute a statement of the contract conditions between the student and Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts. Applicable state and education codes, state regulations, and Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts policies govern the individual student’s relationship to theInstitution. A catalog copy will be provided to each student before signing an enrollment agreement. Copies of the catalog can also be located at the front desk at each campus and on the Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts website, PROGRAMPOLICIES Academy policies cover all programs and courses at Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts. However, programmatic 113

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