Student Handbooks explain program-specific particulars and guidelines in greater detail. Many of our programs haveStudentHandbookswithprogrammaticrulesandregulations(subjecttochangewithoutnotice).Students must read and understand all programmatic rules and regulations in addition to the Gurnick Academy of MedicalArtsCatalogandAddendum. INDIVIDUALRESPONSIBILITY Each Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts student, staff, and faculty member is responsible for being familiar with the Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts policies and regulations published in this catalog. The Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts Catalog is disclosed to each individual before their enrollment at Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts. All students, staff, and faculty members must sign the receipt of disclosures acknowledging that they understandandagreetoabidebyallthepoliciesstatedinthiscatalog. ACADEMICFREEDOM Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts is committed to assuring its faculty full academic freedom. Confident in the qualifications and expertise of its faculty members, Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts encourages its faculty members to exercise their judgments regarding the organization of topics and instructional methods. The program-specific governing body approves the content. Instructors are encouraged to develop teaching methodsthatpromotestudentsuccess. Gurnick AcademyofMedicalArtsbelievesthatdiversityofthoughtresultingfromthefreeandopenexpression of viewpoints and opinions and the free exercise of research and original thinking in the academic fields related to course offerings benefit students. Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts supports and encourages instructors and students to engage in discussion and dialog. Students and faculty members are encouraged to freely express viewstounderstandthespecializedknowledgeofthestudieddiscipline. NON-DISCRIMINATION Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts is committed to providing equal opportunities to all applicants. No discrimination shall occur during Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts programs or activities. This includes activities related to the solicitation of students or employees based on race, color, religion, religious beliefs, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, pregnancy, age, disability, veteran’s status, or any other classification that precludes a person from consideration as an individual. Please direct inquiries regarding this policy to a Campus Director responsible for ensuring this policy is followed. Employees may refer to the Gurnick AcademyofMedicalArts’EmployeeHandbookformoredetails. Harassment/Title IX Coordinator “No person in the United States shall, based on sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.” (Title IX, Education Amendments of 1972, Title 20 U.S.C. Sections 1681) Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts has designated Title IX Coordinators on each campus to oversee the institution’s compliance with all State and Federal discrimination laws, particularly sex discrimination. These Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts staff members function as Title IX Coordinators and primary function. Please note that the Title IX Coordinator function is associated with the title(s), as the designee’s name may change at anytime. 114

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