13. Demonstrate accurate mathematical calculations related to the safe and efficacious administration of fluids and medications. 14. Demonstrateunderstandingandskillsinperforminghealthhistoryandphysicalassessment. 15. Exhibit knowledge and ability to perform basic and complex nursing skills in caring for acute and chronically ill patients utilizing critical thinking skills. 16. Establish accurate documentation related to the assessment and performance of skills. 17. Apply knowledge of theory and principles from nursing and related sciences across the lifespan to selected nursing skills and procedures using the nursing process. RN304Medical/SurgicalIIITheory-AdvancedMed/Surg(3Units,45clockhours) 1. Distinguish specific phenomena for actual or potential patient needs relevant to nursing care of acutely ill and chronically ill adults with respiratory, cardiac, neurological, and musculoskeletal systemdisorders. 2. Identify clinical manifestations, nursing care, and collaborative problems of commonly seen medical or surgical related to respiratory, cardiac, neurological, and musculoskeletal system disorders. 3. Describe the purpose and nursing care of commonly used procedures and interventions in medical or surgical conditions related to respiratory, cardiac, neurological, and musculoskeletal disorders. 4. Employknowledgeofphysicalandbehavioralsciencestodiscernprobableconsequencesofmedical, surgical, and nursing interventions related to respiratory, cardiac, neurological, and musculoskeletal disorders. 5. Implement critical thinking to develop priorities in nursing approaches to patients with various medical or surgical conditions in various states of diagnosis and treatment related to respiratory, cardiac, neurological, and musculoskeletal system disorders. 6. Explain the scientific rationale for selected nursing interventions related to respiratory, cardiac, neurological, and musculoskeletal disorders. RN305Medical/SurgicalIIIClinical-AdvancedMed/Surg(2Units,90clockhours) 1. Communicatetherapeuticallywithindividualsandfamiliesexperiencingadvancedhealthdisruptions related to chronic respiratory, cardiac, neurology, and musculoskeletal system disorders. 2. Plan and implementindividualized patient care using the nursing process. 3. Provide nursing care to adults with advanced medical, surgical, and nursing diagnoses. 4. Afford scientific or empirical rationale for all nursing actions related to chronic respiratory, cardiac, neurology, and musculoskeletal system disorders. 5. Demonstrateincreasingproficiency and autonomywithselectedpsychomotorskills. 6. Establish theory-based interventions with increasing proficiency in patient care management. 7. Collaborate with other healthcare providers to deliver safe, high-quality nursing care. 8. Epitomize accountability and responsibility for your learning experiences and performance. 9. Applylegal and ethical standards in the delivery of nursing care. 10. Demonstrateinitiative in the pursuit and selection of learning activities. 11. Apply personal philosophy of nursing and approach to patient care. 12. Exhibit increased integration of knowledge from courses in previous semesters. 13. Effectively communicate verbally and in writing with patients, families, and healthcare providers to promotehealthandhealing. 14. Utilize current research and evidence-based practice in the clinical setting. 15. Exemplify professional leadership behaviors, including advocacy, delegation, resource utilization, and collaboration with other healthcare providers. RN402Medical/SurgicalIVTheory-ComplexMed/Surg&Leadership(3Units,45clockhours) 1. Identify specific phenomena and actual or potential patient needs relevant to the nursing care of adults with multiple health disruptions. 2. Describe clinical manifestations, nursing care, and collaborative problems of complex medical or surgical conditions in adult populations. 241