Hours Prerequisite: None Corequisite: This course is paired with RN 402. Failure in one paired course equals failure in both paired courses. This course is taught at a clinical site, integrating the practical application of advanced medical/surgical theory to care for selected patients with multiple health disruptions. Students apply the nursing process to optimize patient outcomes. RN404–CommunityHealthNursingTheory–45ClockHours/3SemesterCreditHours Prerequisite: None Corequisite: This course is paired with RN 405. Failure in one paired course equals failure in both paired courses. This online course discusses the foundation for community public health nursing care of patients, families, and communities. Sociocultural, political, and economic influences on a community’s health and the health care systemareexplored,aswellascurrentissuesandtrendsaffectingcommunitypublichealth. RN405–CommunityHealthNursingClinical–90ClockHours/2SemesterCreditHours Prerequisite: None Corequisite: This course is paired with RN 404. Failure in one paired course equals failure in both paired courses. Applying nursing and epidemiological concepts to promoting health and preventing disease among patients, families, and communities will be performed through assigned project completion, aligned with the concurrent Community Health Nursing Theory class topics. Students will explore intervention strategies that empower clients with the knowledge and skills to make informed and healthful choices. RN500–Leadership/ManagementinNursingTheory–45ClockHours/3SemesterCreditHours Prerequisite: None Thenursingprofessioninvolvesleadership, management,teambuilding,andcollaborationstrategies. Social, legal, political, and economic factors are explored in nursing and health care. Concepts and principles of professional nursing practice, such as quality improvement, safety, and evidence-based practice, are integrated. Developmentofchange,agent,anddelegationskillswillbeconsidered. RN501–Leadership/ManagementinNursingClinical–90ClockHours/2SemesterCreditHours Prerequisite: None This practical implementation of leadership and management theory concepts uses assigned clinical projects throughinterviews and analysis of existing clinical practices. This is a 2-unit practical course. RN502–NursingInformatics–45ClockHours/3SemesterCreditHours Prerequisite: None This course covers the principles, concepts, and applications of the health informatics discipline. Core disciplines, including informatics and terminal competencies or learning outcomes, provide the framework for developing curricula within the healthcare professions. Learning outcomes include the skills, knowledge, and professional aptitudes expected of all graduates. RN504–NursingResearch–45ClockHours/3SemesterCreditHours Prerequisite: None This course builds on the Research Statistics course taught in Semester 1. Principles, concepts, and application of scientific inquiry to phenomena of concern to other health professions and nursing and client’s health experience are covered. Research design, critique, and interpretation of reports from various health sources will occur, and participation in research and conducting research will be discussed. RN505–BachelorsAchievementCapstonePortfolio–45ClockHours/3SemesterCreditHours Prerequisite: None This is a study project where BSN students prepare a professional portfolio and work from Semester 7 end to Semester8end.Itistobecomposedofamultitudeofindividualprojectsanddocumentspreparingthestudent 300

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