for professional practice as an SN with a BSN. This portfolio is the exit project for the bachelor’s degree in Nursing program. BachelorofScienceinRadiationTherapy(B.S.inRT)Courses–FullDistanceEducationProgram RTT250–IntroductiontoRadiationTherapy–30ClockHours/2SemesterCreditHours Prerequisite: Completion of GE 020A, GE 020B, GE 222, and GE 240. This course will provide students with an overview of the Radiation Therapy major. Instruction will include a review of professional organizations, department structure, patient management, record keeping, and professional ethics. An overview of the radiation therapist’s role in cancer treatment, including a review of the therapist’s scope of practice, developing modalities, and advanced career opportunities, takes place. RTT300–Sectional/TopographicAnatomy–45ClockHours/3SemesterCreditHours Prerequisite: Completion of semesters I, II, and III. This course will examine external anatomic landmarks concerning internal anatomy, emphasizing the effects of positioning on external landmarks, internal anatomical critical structures, and methods of avoiding or lowering radiation doses to these structures. The sectional imaging course will introduce students to different modalities utilized in radiation therapy. Identification of anatomical structures will be reviewed, identifying the various medical imaging methods. Basic anatomical relationships will be compared using topographical and cross-sectional images. RTT315–MedicalImaging–45ClockHours/3SemesterCreditHours Prerequisite: Completion of semesters I, II, and III. This course establishes a knowledge base on factors that govern and influence the production and recording of medical images for patient simulation, treatment planning, and treatment verification in Radiation Oncology. Concepts and processes involved in producing a radiograph will be covered. Other diagnostic imaging modalities such as CT, MRI, and ultrasound will be covered. General radiography, computerized tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, nuclear medicine, sonography imaging modalities, and equipment will be emphasized. Imaging and processing content for radiation oncology describes the factors that affect the production and recording of radiographic images for patient simulation, treatment planning, and treatment verification, emphasizing radiation oncology imaging equipment and related devices. A review of radiation protection conceptswill be provided. RTT320–ClinicalConceptsI–45ClockHours/3SemesterCreditHours Prerequisite: Completion of semesters I, II, and III. This course provides students with an overview of cancer and the specialty of radiation therapy. Historical and current aspects of cancer treatment and the basic principles and practices of treatment and simulation will be emphasized. Content provides students with a knowledge base for assessing, comparing, contrasting, and recommending the type of radiation therapy equipment, procedure and technique, patient positioning, and immobilization for appropriate tumor localization and treatment delivery. RTT330–Ethics–25ClockHours/1.5SemesterCreditHours Prerequisite: Completion of semesters I, II, and III. This course examines professionalism and bioethics, the process of making moral decisions, ethical issues, professional oaths and codes of ethics, health care ethics, and the law. RTT340–RadiationTherapyPatientCare–45ClockHours/3SemesterCreditHours Prerequisite: Completion of semesters I, II, and III. This course will focus on the foundational concepts and competencies in evaluating patients before, during, and 301

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