This course comprises twelve weeks of Level 1 externship integrated within AOSUT Module courses. Externship expectations will vary as to the externship site assignment for each student. This allows the student to relate theory to practice in a supervised situation. Thestudent’sability to perform correct protocols and acquire effective patient diagnostic information is evidencedbymeetingspecificobjectivesandcompetenciesineachclinicalspecialtyarea.Level1competency evaluation will be signed off by clinical instructors on the Trajecsys Report system and reviewed by the clinical coordinator. AClinical Instructor (CI) Preceptor Handbook is provided for each site supervisor. The handbook guides the CI anddepartmentstaffregardingtheexpectationsoftheultrasoundextern.Thiscoursealsoconsistsof assignmentsonMoodleforARDMSpreparation.EmphasisisontheSPIpreparationtoencouragestudentsto take the ARDMSSPIexambeforegraduation. Therearevirtual labs on Moodle to be used if clinical site assignment is unavailable for reasons determined by theclinical site and the school. The clinical coordinator may give virtual lab assignments for extra learning opportunities or make-up assignments. UTX02–Clinical2–192ClockHours/6QuarterCreditHours Prerequisite: Completion of Modules I, II, III, IV, and V or completion of Modules I, II, III, V, and VI with a “C” or better. UT X02 is twelve weeks of externship integrated with UT Module IV or VI. This course comprises twelve weeks of Level 1 externship integrated within AOSUT Module courses. Externship expectations will vary as to the clinical site assignment for each student. This allows the student to relate theory to practice in a supervised situation. Thestudent’sability to perform correct protocols and acquire effective patient diagnostic information is evidencedbymeetingspecificobjectivesandcompetenciesineachclinicalspecialtyarea.Level1competency evaluation will be signed off by clinical instructors on the Trajecsys Report System and reviewed by the clinical coordinator. AClinical Instructor (CI) Preceptor Handbook is provided for each site supervisor. The handbook guides the CI anddepartmentstaffregardingtheexpectationsoftheultrasoundintern.Thiscoursealsoconsistsof assignmentsonMoodleforARDMSpreparation.TheemphasiswillbeontheSPIpreparationtoencourage students to take the ARDMS SPI exam before graduation. Therearevirtual labs on Moodle to be used if clinical site assignment is unavailable for reasons determined by theclinical site and the school. The clinical coordinator may give virtual lab assignments for extra learning opportunities or make-up assignments. Associate of Occupational Science in Vascular Ultrasound Technology (A.O.S. in VUT) Courses – Blended Program VU300–CerebrovascularSonography–60ClockHours/6QuarterCreditHours Completion of ModuleIandIIcourseswitha“C”orbetterisrequired.Concurrentenrollmentisrequiredwithall ModuleIIIVUcourses. This course covers extracranial and intracranial sonography. The anatomy of the extracranial and intracranial systems, and normal and abnormal findings will be covered. Protocols and scanning techniques required for diagnostic exams will be taught. VU300L–CerebrovascularSonographyLab—60ClockHours/3QuarterCreditHours Completion of ModuleIandIIcourseswitha“C”orbetterisrequired.Concurrentenrollmentisrequiredwithall ModuleIIIVUcourses. 272

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