Extracranial and intracranial Doppler will be the focus of this course, primarily carotid artery ultrasound and TCD exams. Students will learn to use Doppler velocities and create ratios that determine normal vs. abnormal flow. Students will learn carotid and TCD protocols and hands-on scanning techniques to perform the exam in 45minutes. VU301–AbdominalVascularSonography–84ClockHours/8QuarterCreditHours Completion of ModuleIandIIcourseswitha“C”orbetterisrequired.Concurrentenrollmentisrequiredwithall ModuleIIIVUcourses. Abdominal Vascular Sonography teaches abdominal vascular vessels and basic protocols that pertain to ultrasound examinations of the abdominal vascular system. This course establishes foundations for scanning techniques, protocols, and patient body habitus variations. Students will gain an understanding of the role a sonographer plays in the diagnosis of diseases of the abdominal vascular system by understanding what the criteria for “normal is.” Students will also understand howto identify pathology in the abdominal vascular system. They will recognize spectral Doppler and color on normalanddiseasedwaveformsoftheabdominalvascularsystem. VU301L–AbdominalVascularSonographyLab–84ClockHours/4QuarterCreditHours Prerequisite: Completion of Module I and II courses with a “C” or better is required. Concurrent enrollment is required with all Module III VU courses. Abdominal Vascular Sonography Lab is concurrent with Abdominal Vascular Sonography, VU 301. Students will practice the protocols and scanning techniques of the abdominal vascular system within the lab. VU400–LowerExtremityVenousSystem–36ClockHours/3.5QuarterCreditHours Prerequisite: Completion of Module I, II, and III courses with a “C” or better is required. Concurrent enrollment is required with all Module IV VU courses. Students will learn vascular terminology and advanced vascular physical principles. This course’s main focus will be the anatomy and hemodynamic characteristics of the lower extremities veins. Scanning techniques and protocols will be taught and challenged in the clinical setting. VU400L–LowerExtremityVenousSystemLab–36ClockHours/1.5QuarterCreditHours Prerequisite: Completion of Module I, II, and III courses with a “C” or better is required. Concurrent enrollment is required with all Module IV VU courses. This course will review Doppler sonography within the lab setting. Students will learn techniques and skills for optimizing the lower extremity venous examination. The focus of this course is the lower extremity venous system protocol. Superficial venous vein mapping will also be included in this course. This will introduce and preparestudentsforstudiesfordeepveinthrombosis,venousdisease,andsuperficialvenousdisease. VU401–LowerExtremityArterialSystem–36ClockHours/3.5QuarterCreditHours Prerequisite: Completion of Module I, II, and III courses with a “C” or better is required. Concurrent enrollment is required with all Module IV VU courses. Students will learn vascular terminology and advanced vascular physical principles. Anatomy and hemodynamic characteristics of the lower extremity arterial system will be the main focus of this course. Scanning techniques andprotocolswill be taught and challenged in the clinical setting. VU401L–LowerExtremityArterialSystemLab–36ClockHours/1.5QuarterCreditHours Prerequisite: Completion of Module I, II, and III courses with a “C” or better is required. Concurrent enrollment is required with all Module IV VU courses. This course will review Doppler sonography within the lab setting. Students will learn techniques and skills for the optimization of the vascular examination. The focus is on the lower extremity arterial system protocol. Indirect assessment of the arteries will also be introduced and taught with the lab’s ABI machine. This will introduce and prepare students for studies on peripheral vascular disease. 273

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