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RN301MaternalNewbornClinical(1.5Units,67.5clockhours) 1. Execute complete assessments (and written documentation) of the average newborn, correctly identifying (a) normal and abnormal characteristics and (b) relevant nursing diagnoses and collaborative problems. 2. Finish complete assessments (and written documentation) of the postpartum woman, correctly identifying (a) normal and abnormal findings and (b) relevant nursing diagnoses and collaborative problems. 3. Participates in assessing antepartum and laboring women, correctly identifying (a) normal and abnormalfindingsand(b)relevantnursingdiagnosesandcollaborativeproblems. 4. Assess the psychosocial and learning needs of childbearing women and family members (fathers or significant others and siblings) during pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum. 5. Assess parent/caretaker coping behaviors and strengths. 6. Nursing assessment and diagnosis implement appropriate nursing interventions to promote growth, development,andpositivehealthoutcomesforwomen,theirinfants,andotherfamilymembers. 7. Implement appropriate teaching strategies and evaluate learning outcomes for childbearing women andtheirfamilies. 8. Participate in coaching and comfort measures for women and significant others during labor and birth. 9. Anticipate potential common complications in the childbearing woman and newborn infant by implementingappropriatepreventivemeasuresandassessmentsforearlydetection. 10. Apply selected research findings and evidence-based practices to the nursing care of childbearing women,infants,andotherfamilymembers. 11. Demonstrate caring behaviors and effective communication with maternity clients, families, and health team members. 12. Identify common ethical dilemmas and legal issues in maternity nursing. 13. Demonstrateprofessional behavior. RN302CareofChildrenTheory(3Units,45clockhours) 1. Identify the stressors of childhood which are life-threatening or cause significant disruption in child development,health,andwell-being. 2. Describe the influences of health disruption factors on the developmental process of infants and children. 3. Explore the biopsychosocial, cultural, and developmental effects of selected major health disruptions for children and their families. 4. Assess the physical characteristics of all systems in infants and children of various ages and evaluate thenormalcyofthesefindings. 5. Analyze selected health disruptions in alterations in affected children and their families. 6. Examineparental,family, and sibling stress when a child experiences substantial health disruptions. 7. Formulatenursingdecisionsbasedonthechild’scondition,age,andlifesituation. 8. Determine therapies, surgeries, and nursing interventions that are lifesaving, restorative, or palliative. 9. Reviewachildandtheirfamily’sability to learn new information involved with optimal adaptation to majorhealthdisruptions. 10. Formulate nursing interventions that encourage optimal adaptation to major health disruptions. RN303CareofChildrenClinical(1.5Units,67.5clockhours) 1. Utilize current theory and evidence-based practice guidelines to analyze, plan, and implement nursing care for infants and children of various ages. 2. Perform and document anongoingassessmentandevaluationofthechildandfamily’sprogressand monitornursingcareeffectiveness. 3. Execute and document complex nursing procedures with infants and children who experience significant health disruptions. 243

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