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4. Teachnewadaptivemeasuresandcounselchildrenandfamiliescopingwithsizablestress. 5. Assess the child’s health disruption parameters regarding the family unit while providing support andinformation. 6. Implement protective interventions and provide age-appropriate nurturance for children and families with considerable health disruptions. 7. Collaborate with professional colleagues and student groups to develop and provide continuity of care. 8. Demonstrateprofessionalbehavior. RN400MentalHealthTheory(2Units,30clockhours) 1. Identify biopsychosocial and cultural factors that influence severe mental illness across life. 2. Examine selected theories and research underlying psychiatric nursing care of the major mental illnesses across the lifespan. 3. Formulate psychiatric nursing interventions that facilitate mental health adaptation appropriate to inpatient and community settings. 4. Describe community resources for nursing referral of individuals and families for mental health maintenance,promotion,andrehabilitation. 5. Explain common uses of psychopharmacology in treating mental illness and organic brain syndromes. 6. Differentiate between effective and non-effective communication patterns. RN401MentalHealthClinical(2Units,90clockhours) 1. Demonstrate caring behaviors and therapeutic communication skills, including empathy and facilitation, with clients and their families experiencing psychosocial stress. 2. Apply biopsychosocial and nursing theories and the nursing process into case management components while caring for consumers of psychiatric-mental health services in acute care and communitysettings. 3. Embody professional behaviors of safety, responsibility and accountability, team membership, appropriate hospital and community behavior, and positive communication with consumers, families, staff, peers, and instructors. 4. Incorporate cultural, developmental, socioeconomic, and other individual client differences (physical and psychological) into the service plan, nursing care plan, client care activities, and development of communityresources. 5. Execute stress and anxiety reduction interventions, recovery, rehabilitation, reintegration, and health education with consumers and caregivers. 6. Practice the select psychiatric-mental health nursing roles, including counselor, collaborator, consultant, teacher, case manager, and direct care provider. International Nurse Graduate Course Outline Table 78. Transition Course Course CourseTitle Clock Hours SemesterCredit Number Hours RN180 Nursing Transition Advanced Placement Theory & Lab 52.5 Theory 3.5 Units Theory Course 67.5 Lab 1.5 Units Lab TOTAL 120.0 5.0 Table 79. Medical-Surgical Nursing 244

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