Integration of Theory and Practice 25.0 2.0 XRT106 Fundamentals Clinical Practice I 160.0 5.0 XRT107 Clinical Practice II 160.0 5.0 XRT108 Clinical Practice III 160.0 5.0 XRT109 Clinical Practice IV 120.0 4.0 XRT110 TOTAL 1,028.0 58.0 A.O.S. in RT Program Information, Length, and Schedule The program information, length, and schedule may change. Read the accompanying Addendum for changes andupdates,andconnectwithanAdmissionAdvisorformoredetails. The A.O.S. in Radiologic Technology program provides a library and classrooms with modern media teaching aids, textbooks, journals, periodicals, anatomical charts, phantoms, and energized lab equipment. The Associate of Occupational Science in Radiologic Technology program consists of 157.5 quarter credit hours completed over 94weeksfordayandnightstudents,for2,923contacthours.Beforegraduation,studentsmust complete1,880hoursofclinicalpractice. ASSOCIATE OF OCCUPATIONAL SCIENCE IN ULTRASOUND TECHNOLOGY PROGRAM (A.O.S. in UT) 96WEEKS 2386CLOCKHOURS 139.5QUARTERCREDITHOURS ASSOCIATEOFOCCUPATIONALSCIENCEDEGREE PROGRAM,8MODULES STANDARDOCCUPATIONALCLASSIFICATION(SOCCode): 29-2032.00 POTENTIALOCCUPATIONS: Please see a school official for the complete list of potential occupations. LOCATIONS:Fresno,Sacramento,andSanJose DELIVERY:Blended(ResidentialandDistanceEducation) AGurnickAcademyofMedicalArtsinstructorandstudentintheUltrasoundSkillsLabattheFresnocampus. A.O.S. in UT Program Mission Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts aims to offer quality allied health and nursing programs that integrate professional skills, career-focused education, and hands-on practical experience by empowering students to developandachievetheirpersonalandcareergoals. A.O.S. in UT Program Description The A.O.S. in Ultrasound Technology program’s minimum expectations are to prepare competent entry-level sonographers in the cognitive (knowledge), psychomotor (skills), and affective (behavior) learning domains. Graduatesmayworkinhospitals,imagingcenters,physicians’offices,orclinics. A.O.S. in UT Program Goals and Objectives Diagnostic Medical Sonography (DMS) requires providing diagnostic sonographic images and possessing critical 180

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