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thinking skills. The Sonographer needs to make crucial judgments while performing sonographic exams. Sonographers are professionals who must possess high-level skills in diagnostic sonographic techniques under theguidanceofalicensedphysician. A sonographer is responsible for providing excellent patient care and gathering adequate data for diagnoses. Programgraduateswillbeabletoperform,ataminimum,thefollowingobjectives. Cognitive ● Obtain,review,andintegratepertinentpatientdataforoptimumdiagnosticresults. ● Demonstrate critical thinking skills during sonographic procedures to provide optimum diagnostic services. Psychomotor ● Perform sonographic procedures appropriately and accurately, recording all anatomic and physiologic information for interpretation by a physician. ● Document and present complete and accurate sonographicfindingstotheinterpretingphysicianto facilitate patient diagnosis. ● Maintainoptimalfunctionofthesonographicequipment. ● Assistphysiciansduringinvasiveultrasound-guidedprocedures. Affective ● Employeffectivecommunicationskillswithpatientsandallhealthcareteammembers. ● Providecompassionatepatientcareandeducationtopromoteoverallwell-being. ● Actprofessionallywithinrecognizedethicalandlegalstandards. ● Demonstrateacommitmenttolifelonglearning. Students who demonstrated and completed all clinical and academic competencies required may take the AmericanRegistryofDiagnosticMedicalSonography(ARDMS)certificationexamsinthearea(s)ofstudy. A.O.S. in UT Program Outline Table 33. A.O.S. in UT Program Course Outline Quarter CourseNumber Title Clock Hours Credit Hours GE002 Principles of Physics 45.0 4.5 GE021 Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology 66.0 6.5 GE112 AlgebraI 45.0 4.5 GE110 Critical Thinking 45.0 4.5 GE230 Written & Oral Communication 45.0 4.5 UT201 Sectional Anatomy 48.0 4.5 UT200 Ultrasound Physics and Instrumentation 62.0 6.0 UT301 Patient Care for Ultrasound Professional 12.0 1.0 UT302 AbdominalSonography1 84.0 8.0 UT302L Laboratory AbdominalSonography1 84.0 4.0 UT303 Small Parts Sonography 1 28.0 2.5 UT303L Laboratory Small Parts Sonography 1 28.0 1.0 181

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