RETURNOFNON-TITLEIVFUNDS 112 WITHDRAWALS&THERETURNTOTITLEIVAID(R2T4)CALCULATION 112 ADMINISTRATIVEPOLICIES 113 CATALOGPOLICIES 113 PROGRAMPOLICIES 113 INDIVIDUALRESPONSIBILITY 114 ACADEMICFREEDOM 114 NON-DISCRIMINATION 114 Harassment/Title IX Coordinator 114 Sexual Harassment 115 Anti-Bullying/Anti-Harassment 115 Sexual Assault Prevention and Response 115 Reporting a Sexual Assault 117 Counseling 117 SexOffenderRegistry 117 STUDENT’SRIGHTTOPRIVACY 117 STUDENTRECORDS 118 TRANSCRIPTS 119 STUDENTCODEOFCONDUCT 119 SAFETY&CAMPUSSECURITY 120 Access 120 CampusResidences 120 CampusPoliceAuthorityandJurisdiction 120 CrimePreventionPrograms 120 Security Awareness Programs 120 Timely Warnings 121 AnnualDisclosureofCrimeStatistics 121 CrimeReporting 122 Personal Property 122 Incident/Accident Reporting 122 WeaponsandFirearms 123 NeedleStick 123 CommunicableDisease 124 Federal Law Concerning Chemical Hazards 124 DRUG-FREE 125 Drug-Free Campus 125 DrugandAlcoholPrevention 125 Applicability 125 Prohibited Behavior 125 Notification of Convictions 125 Consequences 126 Assistance 126 Resources 126 Confidentiality 127 SharedResponsibility 127 ReasonableSuspicionTesting 127 6