Communication 127 ReviewofthisPolicy 127 Alcoholic Beverage Programs 128 Illegal Drugs 128 Prevention Programs 128 Local, State, and Federal Legal Sanctions 128 PREGNANCY 130 STUDENTBEREAVEMENT 132 CHANGEOFNAME 133 STUDENTDRESSCODE 133 CELLPHONE 134 ADMINISTRATIONOFEXAMINATION 134 ELECTRONICRECORDING 135 VIDEOANDAUDIOSURVEILLANCENOTIFICATION 135 TRANSFER 135 TRANSFERABILITYOFCREDITSANDCREDENTIALS 136 UNITOFCREDIT 136 ESTIMATEDTIMEFOROUTSIDE-OF-SCHOOLPREPARATIONHOURS(OSPH) 136 STUDENTGRIEVANCEANDAPPEALS 137 COPYRIGHT 138 FILE SHARING 140 PLAGIARISM 140 STUDENTSERVICES 141 StudentIdentification Card 141 AcademicAdvisement 141 Accessibility for Disabled Students 141 Orientation of New Students 141 Tutor Locator Service 141 Library Resources 141 ComputerandInternetResources 142 StudentInformationSystem 142 EmploymentAssistance 142 Housing 143 StudentResources 143 Learning Disabilities 143 Disability Accommodation & Grievance Policy 144 ConsumerProtection 146 ACADEMICINTEGRITY 147 PROGRAMDELIVERY 148 ELECTRONICBOOKS 148 GENERALEDUCATION,TECHNICALEDUCATION&PROFESSIONALEDUCATION 149 ENGLISHINSTRUCTION 149 STANDARDSOFSATISFACTORYACADEMICPROGRESS 149 Qualitative Measurements 149 Quantitative Measurements 151 CLASSSTANDING 153 7