FEDERALFINANCIALAIDPROGRAMS Federal financial aid programs include the Federal Pell Grant, Federal Supplemental Opportunity Grant (FSEOG), Federal Direct Subsidized Loans, Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loans, and PLUS Loans. The Iraq Afghanistan Service Grant and the Children of Fallen Heroes Scholarship are additional federal aid programs. Federal Pell Grant This grant is designed to assist students with the greatest need. Federal Pell Grants are only awarded to undergraduateswithoutabachelor’sorprofessionaldegreeorequivalent.Thestudent’sneeds,thecostof attendance, and the amount appropriated annually by Congress to fund the program determine eligibility. Pell Grants are gift aid and are not repaid. FSEOG This grant is available to students with exceptional financial need, defined as students with the lowest EFC, and given to Federal Pell Grant recipients. The amount of the grant and the number of students who may receive this grant depend on the availability of funds determined annually by Congress and the U.S. Department of Education. The funds are awarded proportionally across Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts’ campuses and program start dates. The grant amounts vary; the average is $600 for an award year. FSEOG awards are gift aid and are not repaid. When awarding students, regardless of campus, we first award based on EFC and finalization date. We first award all students who have a 0 EFC and whose files are cleared and ready to finalize their financial aid first. Once all these students have been awarded, we award them with the lowest EFCs whose files are cleared and readytofinalize their financial aid. Students are only eligible for FSEOG in their first academic year. In dealing with students who re-enroll within six (6) months from the last date of attendance, we will allow them to receive the remaining disbursements if they have already been awarded but have yet to receive all disbursements. If the student re-enrolls more than six (6) months from the last date of attendance, they will not receive any further disbursements. (If the re-enrolled student has not been awarded initially, we will not award funds for this enrollment). If a student withdraws from one program and then enrolls in a new program, regardless of whether they enroll within six (6) months or have received an award in the prior program, that student is eligible to be awarded. Example:astudentwhowithdrawsfromtheMAprogramandenrollsintheVNprogram Federal Work-Study(FWS) TheFederalWork-StudyProgramprovidespart-timeemploymenttostudentswhorequiretheearningsto defray the cost of their education. Students may work on or off-campus for a qualified public, private, or communityserviceorganization. Eligibility is based on financial need and the availability of funds. The school will attempt to place students in jobs related to their program of study, and work schedules will be arranged according to class schedules. Congress and the U.S. Department of Education provide the funding that determines the school’s allocation amountandthenumberofstudentswhomayreceivethesefunds. 100