HOWTOAPPLYFORFINANCIALAID 1. All students must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to be considered for federal and state aid; the income and asset information reported on the FAFSA calculates the EFC. TheschoolcodeforGurnickAcademyofMedicalArtsis041698. 2. The student needs an FSA ID to sign the FAFSA electronically. To apply for an FSA ID, go to Students will also use the FSA ID to complete the MPN for student loans, complete online counseling, and view their student loan data at www.studentaid.govandNSLDS. The parent of a dependent student will also need an FSA ID to sign the FAFSA electronically and throughoutthePLUSLoanprocess. 3. The FAFSA uses income information from the calendar year two years before the award year. The student and the parent should strongly consider using the IRS Data Retrieval Tool (DRT) within the FAFSAtopopulatetheapplicationwithincomeinformationdirectlyfromtheIRS. 4. Students will receive their FAFSA results within a few days via email with a URL for their Student Aid Report(SAR)orbyUSmail.Theschoolwillalsoreceivetheresultselectronically,calledtheISIR. Students must apply for financial aid every year. The FAFSA must be received by a deadline published annually by the California Student Aid Commission to be eligible for the Cal Grant. This deadline can be viewed on the FAFSAwebsite. The school uses the ISIR data to prepare the students’ Financial Plans. Federal and state aid may not cover the total cost, depending on the student’s program. Students can cover the unfunded balance by paying in full, with a payment plan (payment in full required before graduation), or by a private education loan. Talk to your campusfinancialaidadvisortodeterminethebestoption. GENERALSTUDENTELIGIBILITYREQUIREMENTS Tobeconsideredforfederalfinancialaid, a student must: ● HaveavalidSocialSecurityNumber. ● BeaU.S.citizenoreligiblepermanentresident. ● Possessahighschooldiplomaortheequivalent. ● Enrollinaneligibleprogramasaregularstudentseekingadegree,diploma,orcertificate. ● Donotdefaultonstudentloansorowearefundofgrantfunds. ● MaintainSatisfactoryAcademicProgressasdescribedintheschoolcatalog. Most formsoffinancial aid require a student’s need, defined as Cost of Attendance minus the EFC, as calculated from the FAFSA data. Direct Unsubsidized loans, PLUS loans, and private education loans are not need-based, buteligibility is based on the Cost of Attendance, less other aid. Financial aid from federal programs is not guaranteed from one year to the next. Each student must reapply every year. The award year for most financial aid programs runs from July 1 to June 30 of the following year, but aid is awarded based on the academic year defined for the student’s program of study. Somestudentapplicationsareselectedforaverificationprocess.Toreceivefinancial aid, students must provide documents supporting the FAFSA information. Selected students will be notified of their verification status and supporting documents required by the Financial Aid Office. Students must verify and resolve flags or comment codesbeforefinancial aid is disbursed. 99